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5059 34 2019-4-13
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

£1000 fine if you are caught without it so I will be registering.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 507087 ft
United Kingdom


Still, although in line with other countries this will do little/nothing to prevent folks intent on breaking the law from doing so.

The usual Gouvernmental kneejerk reaction to gain voters.
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

im not registering, rather do time in prison, im not giving some uneducated pricks my money just because i have a hobby of flying drones,, this is dictatorship at its best, most drone pilots are sensible flyers, do you think that people that want to break the law will register there drones ? doing this is not the answer, its not fair that we as responsible pilots have to pay the price, so no way am i registering any of my drones period. sorry for the rant but i feel strongly about this ;) can anyone think of a better answer other than registration, i have a few ideas just wondering what you guys can come up with.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 538596 ft
United Kingdom

bomberuk Posted at 4-14 04:08
im not registering, rather do time in prison, im not giving some uneducated pricks my money just because i have a hobby of flying drones,, this is dictatorship at its best, most drone pilots are sensible flyers, do you think that people that want to break the law will register there drones ? doing this is not the answer, its not fair that we as responsible pilots have to pay the price, so no way am i registering any of my drones period. sorry for the rant but i feel strongly about this ;) can anyone think of a better answer other than registration, i have a few ideas just wondering what you guys can come up with.

Enforcing registration is like parking tickets a method to make money by the government - an arbitrary  tax on drone flyers. I would rather we could voluntarily 'register' via a different for profit organisation where I get to choose who gets my money. For example in the UK we have for automobile owners the AA or the RAC - sometimes refereed to as the 3rd emergency service. (Automobile Association & Royal Automobile Club) Needless to say the pecuniary fines and criminal threat of 5 years in jail says more about the wilful demonising of your interest - with all the unproven airport scares and wrongful arrest and public pillorying of a couple in the press, just going to prove that is the case.
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

Lamplighter55 Posted at 4-14 04:49
Enforcing registration is like parking tickets a method to make money by the government - an arbitrary  tax on drone flyers. I would rather we could voluntarily 'register' via a different for profit organisation where I get to choose who gets my money. For example in the UK we have for automobile owners the AA or the RAC - sometimes refereed to as the 3rd emergency service. (Automobile Association & Royal Automobile Club) Needless to say the pecuniary fines and criminal threat of 5 years in jail says more about the wilful demonising of your interest - with all the unproven airport scares and wrongful arrest and public pillorying of a couple in the press, just going to prove that is the case.

good point, i think if they want you to register your drone maybe if they gave you something back for doing it, what if there was  some sort of drone insurance like you have for a car, if you have a car then you have to insure it by law, but you get something back, like if your drone was stolen or crashed then it would be covered and also registered, and you could make a claim for loss or damage,
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 9082933 ft
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United Kingdom

bomberuk Posted at 4-14 04:08
im not registering, rather do time in prison, im not giving some uneducated pricks my money just because i have a hobby of flying drones,, this is dictatorship at its best, most drone pilots are sensible flyers, do you think that people that want to break the law will register there drones ? doing this is not the answer, its not fair that we as responsible pilots have to pay the price, so no way am i registering any of my drones period. sorry for the rant but i feel strongly about this ;) can anyone think of a better answer other than registration, i have a few ideas just wondering what you guys can come up with.

I see little difference to registering your car...  If you want to get away with speeding and miss the Speed Camera fines, then don't register your car.  Same with the drones.
Registration is likely to be free or literally a few pounds.  If this brings an air of control and respectability to drones and drone flyers, the public and press may stop giving us so much grief.
I really don't see the issue with registering.  Maybe I'm a muppet...

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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

Wellsi Posted at 4-14 22:57
I see little difference to registering your car...  If you want to get away with speeding and miss the Speed Camera fines, then don't register your car.  Same with the drones.
Registration is likely to be free or literally a few pounds.  If this brings an air of control and respectability to drones and drone flyers, the public and press may stop giving us so much grief.
I really don't see the issue with registering.  Maybe I'm a muppet...

Nail on the head mate! To register a drone in the US costs $5 for 3 years - that's less than a pint! For me it's not about the money but where my personal details are going to be stored and used. If there is a drone incident within a few miles of my house will I be an immediate suspect and have coppers knocking on my door because somebody else flew their drone in a congested area nearby? Will I have to display my full name, date of birth and address on top the drone for anyone walking by to see? How will that protect my right to privacy? And of course, will my data be handed over and outsourced to a third party agency with little control over keeping my data sensitive. Could it be sold and my identity stolen or used by a tabloid paper? I would like to know more on this but that said, I would never fly a drone without registering it as a £1000 fine speaks for itself. I do think it is a cash cow - if there are 100,000 users each paying  fiver a year then the government will make half a million quid out of this. I think controlling respectability rests in the hands of the media who are not doing a good job on this one of late and having a register won't stop sensational fake news being written if it still sells.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

Wellsi Posted at 4-14 22:57
I see little difference to registering your car...  If you want to get away with speeding and miss the Speed Camera fines, then don't register your car.  Same with the drones.
Registration is likely to be free or literally a few pounds.  If this brings an air of control and respectability to drones and drone flyers, the public and press may stop giving us so much grief.
I really don't see the issue with registering.  Maybe I'm a muppet...

I for 1 agree with your argument.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

A J Posted at 4-14 23:38
Nail on the head mate! To register a drone in the US costs $5 for 3 years - that's less than a pint! For me it's not about the money but where my personal details are going to be stored and used. If there is a drone incident within a few miles of my house will I be an immediate suspect and have coppers knocking on my door because somebody else flew their drone in a congested area nearby? Will I have to display my full name, date of birth and address on top the drone for anyone walking by to see? How will that protect my right to privacy? And of course, will my data be handed over and outsourced to a third party agency with little control over keeping my data sensitive. Could it be sold and my identity stolen or used by a tabloid paper? I would like to know more on this but that said, I would never fly a drone without registering it as a £1000 fine speaks for itself. I do think it is a cash cow - if there are 100,000 users each paying  fiver a year then the government will make half a million quid out of this. I think controlling respectability rests in the hands of the media who are not doing a good job on this one of late and having a register won't stop sensational fake news being written if it still sells.

It will be interesting to see what they actually ask for in data terms. I wonder what they will ask beyond your name, address, (this can be seen on line somewhere, anyway) sex (you have a choice of 3 now) and drone serial (not sure how valuable that will be to anyone.)

Please send all replies in writing on a £10 note, to me.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2139291 ft
United Kingdom

What worries me is that we live in "Rip off Britain", where if the Government can get money off of you they will, and make it as much as possible. I have no issues with registering any of my drones, am happy to do so. Am also happy to get a license. Again though it all comes down to cost.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Lamplighter55 Posted at 4-14 04:49
Enforcing registration is like parking tickets a method to make money by the government - an arbitrary  tax on drone flyers. I would rather we could voluntarily 'register' via a different for profit organisation where I get to choose who gets my money. For example in the UK we have for automobile owners the AA or the RAC - sometimes refereed to as the 3rd emergency service. (Automobile Association & Royal Automobile Club) Needless to say the pecuniary fines and criminal threat of 5 years in jail says more about the wilful demonising of your interest - with all the unproven airport scares and wrongful arrest and public pillorying of a couple in the press, just going to prove that is the case.

"with all the unproven airport scares and wrongful arrest and public pillorying of a couple in the press, just going to prove that is the case."

This may be of interest, Panorama are running a documentary tonight (20:30 BST) :-

The Gatwick Drone Attack
With the most detailed account so far of the three days of disruption and the first in-depth interview with Gatwick since the attack, Justin Rowlatt asks what really happened. Why has no-one been caught? Was there a drone at all? And what needs to be done to protect our skies?
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11879321 ft

in Canada we pay 5.00 for registration,  the issue I don't really like is the certification that you need to get in order to fly your drone.
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

AlansDronePics Posted at 4-15 02:17
It will be interesting to see what they actually ask for in data terms. I wonder what they will ask beyond your name, address, (this can be seen on line somewhere, anyway) sex (you have a choice of 3 now) and drone serial (not sure how valuable that will be to anyone.)

Please send all replies in writing on a £10 note, to me.

I'm hoping it'll be basic details, pay a fiver and print a cert after answering some questions a kid can answer. Let's wait and see.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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AlansDronePics Posted at 4-15 02:17
It will be interesting to see what they actually ask for in data terms. I wonder what they will ask beyond your name, address, (this can be seen on line somewhere, anyway) sex (you have a choice of 3 now) and drone serial (not sure how valuable that will be to anyone.)

Please send all replies in writing on a £10 note, to me.

It costs €5 in Ireland per drone, and I imagine it will be the same or similar in UK , although many will complain and bitch about it, registration is for those who abide by the rules, not for the idiots, idiots will be idiots registered or not.

Just going on what happens here in Ireland , for my €5 I get a news letter every month, I receive notice of special notams of temporary NFZ , upcoming drone events, information about seminars and a whole host of useful drone information, I think more good will come from registering than bad, yes it’s worth it .
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 4-15 10:18
It costs €5 in Ireland per drone, and I imagine it will be the same or similar in UK , although many will complain and bitch about it, registration is for those who abide by the rules, not for the idiots, idiots will be idiots registered or not.

Just going on what happens here in Ireland , for my €5 I get a news letter every month, I receive notice of special notams of temporary NFZ , upcoming drone events, information about seminars and a whole host of useful drone information, I think more good will come from registering than bad, yes it’s worth it .

A fair point of view. Thanks for explaining.
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

Aardvark Posted at 4-15 08:03
"with all the unproven airport scares and wrongful arrest and public pillorying of a couple in the press, just going to prove that is the case."

This may be of interest, Panorama are running a documentary tonight (20:30 BST) :-

With even the Police now calling it an 'inside job' I think this will be an interesting one to watch!
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Flight distance : 16759 ft
United Kingdom

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1758104 ft
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United Kingdom

I'll be registering and keeping a close eye on what NATS claims especially as the head of Unmanned Traffic in the UK claims UK drone fliers are either "Careless, Clueless of Criminal" ... less_criminal_nats/
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Flight distance : 1479705 ft
United Kingdom

Only law abiding fliers will register. Leaving criminals free to fly where they want? Catching them will be near impossible, unless they are that stupid they tape
there name and phone number on the drone :-)  They claim it will be £16.50 a year IF 170,000 peep's register if not it will be more? but never less :-@

As usual with the UK laws it only takes one idiot to screw if up for the majority. We then pay the cost.

Is the hight of 400 feet all over the UK or just near airports?

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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

whiteghost Posted at 7-9 11:49
Only law abiding fliers will register. Leaving criminals free to fly where they want? Catching them will be near impossible, unless they are that stupid they tape
there name and phone number on the drone :-)  They claim it will be £16.50 a year IF 170,000 peep's register if not it will be more? but never less :-@

"Is the hight of 400 feet all over the UK or just near airports?"

Have a look at this, it's now illegal to fly more than 400ft above ground level in U.K :-
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
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United States

A J Posted at 4-14 01:10
£1000 fine if you are caught without it so I will be registering.

Can you work on making some Hyperlapses?
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

AntDX316 Posted at 8-1 00:06
Can you work on making some Hyperlapses?

I already have
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
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United States

Can you post them here?
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

AntDX316 Posted at 8-1 01:46
Can you post them here?

I already have - they are in my list of threads.
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Flight distance : 1030902 ft

In the US is cost me $5 to register with the FAA, it is per person (meaning, if you own more that one drone - your registration is valid for all of them), and is valid for 3 years.
Here is Israel the law is a little obscure about that. There is a notice by the Israeli civil aviation administration that you should register and take a course with a third party approved by them, but it's highly unclear whether that is actually covered in the law.

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David Martin Graff
First Officer
Flight distance : 108805200 ft
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United States

This should be interesting and provide a new inflection point to the market..
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Flight distance : 112559 ft
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United States

I’m a bit surprised at all the push back. As more and more drones are sold and fill that 0-400 AGL airspace, what on earth do you expect to happen, the continued free-for-all?

Expect things to change, become more accountable, more restrictive and requiring genuine eduction and certification.

Otherwise take up golf?
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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KS-6 Posted at 8-21 06:35
I’m a bit surprised at all the push back. As more and more drones are sold and fill that 0-400 AGL airspace, what on earth do you expect to happen, the continued free-for-all?

Expect things to change, become more accountable, more restrictive and requiring genuine eduction and certification.

I'd hardly say the 0-400ft air space was getting anywhere near crowded.  I've only once flown my drone and came across another one in the sky.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 434721 ft

A J Posted at 4-14 23:38
Nail on the head mate! To register a drone in the US costs $5 for 3 years - that's less than a pint! For me it's not about the money but where my personal details are going to be stored and used. If there is a drone incident within a few miles of my house will I be an immediate suspect and have coppers knocking on my door because somebody else flew their drone in a congested area nearby? Will I have to display my full name, date of birth and address on top the drone for anyone walking by to see? How will that protect my right to privacy? And of course, will my data be handed over and outsourced to a third party agency with little control over keeping my data sensitive. Could it be sold and my identity stolen or used by a tabloid paper? I would like to know more on this but that said, I would never fly a drone without registering it as a £1000 fine speaks for itself. I do think it is a cash cow - if there are 100,000 users each paying  fiver a year then the government will make half a million quid out of this. I think controlling respectability rests in the hands of the media who are not doing a good job on this one of late and having a register won't stop sensational fake news being written if it still sells.

Well put, same here in Canada
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

ssylca44 Posted at 8-21 06:59
Well put, same here in Canada

Data protection is a bit of a concern here these days and the charge is looking like £16.50 for one-year... The US pay the equivalent of £1.37 for one year...
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Flight distance : 112559 ft
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United States

DAFlys Posted at 8-21 06:36
I'd hardly say the 0-400ft air space was getting anywhere near crowded.  I've only once flown my drone and came across another one in the sky.

Sure but my point was as more drones are sold, there will be more in the airspace. Also, that drone you saw is one you visibly saw, there will be ones you don't.

I'm just saying expect things to gradually change as more drones take to the air.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 507087 ft
United Kingdom

A J Posted at 2019-4-14 01:10
£1000 fine if you are caught without it so I will be registering.
Agree with registering but really ... who will enforce this?


I've never even heard of anyone having been successfully prosecuted for doing commercial work without a PfCO!
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

*DM* Posted at 2-22 01:34
Agree with registering but really ... who will enforce this?


TBH, unless you are blatantly flying in the middle of a city the chance of being fined for flying a drone is about 1% - British police are thin on the ground as it is - I can't imagine them patrolling farmers fields in the middle of nowhere in the hope of catching a drone pilot flying without registration. That said, I have seen council workers on patrol in nearby parks in North London and the council have imposed fines for drone use as a by-law. I guess the real issues will arise if the drone hits a third party and causes bodily injury or property damage and the police are called to the scene where they will no doubt check the registration etc.  
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Flight distance : 36253 ft
United Kingdom

The whole thing of drone registration is a joke, typical British law makers think the criminal element will register there drones and submit there details to a data base. much like the gun laws criminals still have them. The registration system does nothing to the miss use of drones in the wrong hands. All it does it hurt the genuine flyers who want to enjoy there hobby.

Just like driving your car, not everyone will stick to the speed limit or Hight limit with drones or in visual sight. ( mr policeman i saw this drone and it came from over there ) what do they expect the police to do in that case, dedicate limited resources to see if they can catch said drone user, or do they look for registered owners in the vicinity and blame one of them as they are on the data base so must be them another case solved.

As a RC model flyer since 1980 i find this whole registration thing a joke and an invasion of my own privacy to enjoy my hobby. and they have the Gaul to call this a democracy of freedom.
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