 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
AlansDronePics Posted at 4-15 02:17
It will be interesting to see what they actually ask for in data terms. I wonder what they will ask beyond your name, address, (this can be seen on line somewhere, anyway) sex (you have a choice of 3 now) and drone serial (not sure how valuable that will be to anyone.)
Please send all replies in writing on a £10 note, to me.
It costs €5 in Ireland per drone, and I imagine it will be the same or similar in UK , although many will complain and bitch about it, registration is for those who abide by the rules, not for the idiots, idiots will be idiots registered or not.
Just going on what happens here in Ireland , for my €5 I get a news letter every month, I receive notice of special notams of temporary NFZ , upcoming drone events, information about seminars and a whole host of useful drone information, I think more good will come from registering than bad, yes it’s worth it . |