Propeller life span question...
3986 9 2019-4-18
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 810 ft

Is there an ideal life span for the propellers? Of course by that I mean without any crashes etc... Do you guys change them just because they are old?

The reason I am asking is that recently I have noticed my propellers are not perfectly symmetrical anymore. I have never had a crash and propellers never hit anything, apart from bugs (mostly bees), yet they don't look same as a brand new set. So I am curious if they are subject to wear and tear...

Thanks in advance for any replies,

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1665023 ft
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United Kingdom

Anything on the props that would alter the flow of air when inspected. Nicks, bends, chips or any kind of damage really. If you see any damage at all then change them. Small surface scratches are OK. They can get damaged just taking them out of the case or however you store it when not flying. Just give them a check before flying. Run your fingers lightly over the top, bottom, length and you will feel any damage.
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

CoreyB10 Posted at 4-18 22:22
Anything on the props that would alter the flow of air when inspected. Nicks, bends, chips or any kind of damage really. If you see any damage at all then change them. Small surface scratches are OK. They can get damaged just taking them out of the case or however you store it when not flying. Just give them a check before flying. Run your fingers lightly over the top, bottom, length and you will feel any damage.

Great advice
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi CemAygun, thanks for reaching out. If the propeller is scratched, bent, or damaged, replace it immediately. It is recommended to replace them at least every three months. Should you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thanks for your continued support.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi CemAygun, thanks for reaching out. If the propeller is scratched, bent, or damaged, replace it immediately. It is recommended to replace them at least every three months. Should you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. Thanks for your continued support.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 810 ft

Thanks a lot for all the replies. I did not know there was so much strain on them even through regular use. I have been flying with the same set almost a year (well, I don't fly very often, but still). I already changed to the spare set and ordered a new pack for the future...  
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Flight distance : 790814 ft
United States

CemAygun -   @cemaygun >

I have had the same props on my bird since day one - over a year now.  I inspect them often looking for an excuse to use another one of the several sets I have on hand.  

But, still they look brand new, just like the did on the very first day.  Perfect edges, not a scratch, ding or chip anywhere.  Not even any surface marks -- nothing.

Subscribing to the old adage, "If it ain't broken..." AND an overwhelming feeling that I'm messing with the universe if I change them for no reason, I leave them be.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1695351 ft
United States

You would need a highspeed rotational dynamic balance indicator done for each prop. Any deficiency discrepancy out from perfect is grounds to dispose it.
I am surprised such quantifiable decisional test rig isnt 3rd party aftermarketed.
Simply, the axial strain gauge would tell you achieved thrust at rpm, thus a plot over rpm can be compared to spec.
Clearly defect will not be able to provide the amount of spec thrust at given rpm.
So test rig proofs twofold: rotational balance ok and thrust ok over rpm ranged.
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United States

At 2024km on my Mini 3 I just had a prop failure at 360ft. Bird is toast. Pre-flight every time too and they were perfect at takeoff. Original propellers lasting 2024km is pretty awesome.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


djiuser_M9PTMyyV4BzE Posted at 5-9 20:02
At 2024km on my Mini 3 I just had a prop failure at 360ft. Bird is toast. Pre-flight every time too and they were perfect at takeoff. Original propellers lasting 2024km is pretty awesome.

Hi there. Thank you for reaching out and we're deeply sorry for the incident that happened on your unit. If you were able to retrieve the unit, we suggest creating a repair case using this link for us to conduct proper diagnostics on the unit. We appreciate your understanding and support.
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