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Osmo Pocket and Mimo App no longer connected / Android
3871 7 2019-4-25
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United States

Shooting with Osmo Pocket (firmware, Camera and Asus Zenfone 3 for past 3 months with USB-C connection, but today in the middle of the 4k 60fps shoot, the Mimo apps freezed. Powered off the osmo pocket, but the apps no longer connecting to the pocket. After inserting into USB port, phone vibrate, charge button comes on, but not connecting the phone anymore. Uninstalled the mimo apps twice, android phone restarted several times, USB debugging ON/OFF, USB debugging ON with Media Transfer Mode. Lower left corner connect button is grayed out. Mimo apps no longer autostart. it is is sad. Please help.
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Second Officer
United Kingdom

Looking at the specs for the phone. It doesn't support 4K resolution. Nor does my phone and the Mimo App will not connect as long as the Osmo Pocket is set to 4K. Try setting your Omo Pocket to HD first.
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DJI Gamora

Hi, Good day! Thank you for reaching our this concern to us. We would suggest using a recommended mobile device for your Osmo Pocket for better compatibility and reliability. Upon checking here in regards to the mobile device that you are using. I am sorry to say that the Asus Zenfone 3 is still not recommended. Actually, there is a  possibility that the Asus Zenfone 3 will work, however, since it's not yet optimized with the DJI Osmo Pocket and with the DJI Mimo application we cannot guarantee the stability of the Asus Zenfone 3 when in use with the said device and with the said application. We highly suggest you use the compatible device that was listed on the recommended mobile device list below to avoid any problem. Thank you for your understanding

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United States

The same phone shot 800GB during the past 4 months on the same setup @ 4K 60FPS, 24FPS, 1080p 4x modes!!! Oops, I just realized I was using the wrong phone now that OSMO Pocket no longer does anything but a tiny powerbank. SOOOO SAD.
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United States

To whoever having Android issues like mine (and left in space), here are additional attempts I tried.
-Formatted the microSD per one guy on youtube, same issue.
-Reset the device, same issue.
-My friend's OnePlus 6T with Mimo Apps, same issue: vibrate and charge his phone upon connection with my OSMO Pocket. But his OSMO Pocket just works fine with his OnePlus 6T and on on my Zenfone3.

-I tried my Pocket on iPAD = connection works fine on iOS.
-I tried my Pocket on iPhone 6 Plus = connection works fine on this iOS.
-I tried my pocket on iPhone SE = Connection works fine.

This is to conclude that my Osmo Pocket with Lighting Adapter to 3 iOS devices works fine. Just that connection issue is isolated to the android devices only.
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United States

I tried the USB-C connector from my friend  to connect my Asus Zenfone 3 to my OSMO Pocket and it works! Charging path on my adapter works, but not the data, as it appeared.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 597218 ft

Is there any way to stop OP charge my Android phone? Note 9 running 9.0. Thank you very much.
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United States

Looking through high magnification showed gold contact surfaces are peeled off. Where there is no gold, no contact resistance.X-ray showed no internal disconnect. But where the heck is the AVAILABLE replacement? BH had pre-order for $15 for long time. Even if it is available, I need to rethink buying this connector because my android connector was plugged in most of the time, removed when USB bottom connector is connected to computer for transfer. Say this connector was inserted 100 times and gold contacts had gone bad? Was it from charging the android phone all the time? or just me using the android phone with power bank cable dangling from the bottom of osmo pocket? As long as this OSMO pocket charges the android phone, android USB-C connector will be the issue.

What are my options?
1) Switch over to iPhone and use the other lightening connector ==> OUTCH, I have to change over from android phone to iPhone? Does it charge iPhone too? Don't wanna know.
2) Buy a replacement android connector, plug it in and try not to remove this android connector ==> using the microSD in other card reader, OSMO Pocket can no longer be function as card reader. (Outch, carry other card reader).
3) if that's the case, high current charging through this connector and wearing out of these gold contacts is still an issue. So, install Android 3rd party battery limiter apps to stop charging. Serious? Let the 3rd party apps to manage the android's battery?

>>>>>>>>>>>>Why can't be the OSMO Pocket's firmware update to NOT CHARGE?
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