Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13933189 ft
Tomasz Laptas Posted at 5-26 03:28
Hey SpeedyBird, thank you for your time. everything you said is correct, and yes, i was flying it with obstacle avoidance switched off, there was no need for it on the beach (actually there was...).
You may noticed on the first screenshot that AC was 6.1m away from the home-point.
At this stage it should stop within this 6m but it still drifted towards the tree.
Hi Tomasz,
Had a look at your flight too.
The moment before impact you had 100% fwd, craft flying at approx 20 ft/s.
At 1m33 100% fwd stick stoppen followed by 100% aft stick, speed reduced to 6.9 ft/s at impact. Tree?
(craft pitch down to 14 degrees up to brake).
During this heading steady at 126 degrees.
At 1m35.2s ptich up rapidly to 40 degrees, followed by roll left to 47.8 degrees.
Heading changes rapidly! Motor 1 and 3 obstructed warnings.
After this crash into tree / something, compass errors and gps errors resulting in an period in ATTI mode.
Craft not in control in ATTI and drifted/flew away. I see 2 times high pitch and roll angles, so did it hit something first before hitting the tree or was the firts impact the tree and after that it flew uncontrolled some distance further?White dot (chart4) is the first impact, so what happend after that ?
Speed values are not correct in the data when the IMU is 'confused'.
My speed values in the 4 charts is the calculated speed using GPS position over time.
Looking at the data before hitting something, looks normal to me. Drone need time to stop the fwd motion, juts needed some more free space to stop that motion.