Hi, thanks for the inquiry. As of the moment, our engineers haven't tested this kind of process and we don't have the accessory that you may need to mount the camera to our Robomaster S1. We're hoping that you could get the best recommendation that you may need. Thank you for your support.
I think this acessories should be available since day 01.... I noticed that the video feed on camera is shaky, not stabilized... not useable for video produtions at all
ro_flyer Posted at 6-12 15:02
I think this acessories should be available since day 01.... I noticed that the video feed on camera is shaky, not stabilized... not useable for video produtions at all
I don't think it's designed for video productions.
There is plenty of room on this gimbal for some customizations. Not sure yet how much additional weight the gimbal can support, but it’s clear DJI has this thing built for expansion.
Malibu Aerial Posted at 6-15 09:32
I wonder if the camera setting is programmable using AI or Python. If it is, there's a lot of things you can do.
The API has exposed several items related to the camera including recognizing gestures. An good way to get a feel is to write a quick scratch program to take a selfie when it sees the camera gesture.
There's much more involved in successful camera mount than you think. No gimbal or stabilization mechanism will deliver smooth video without vibration damper, and that's the challenge ...