Mobile device CPU fully loaded... is there a fix for this?
6269 6 2019-6-29
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Flight distance : ****
United States

My new Mavic 2 Pro only has 26 flights on it, mostly Litchi, but the last 3 were DJI Go (4.3.20) and I received the message "Mobile device CPU fully loaded" while flying it in sport mode on my last two DJI Go 4 flights.  The video was a bit laggy but both sticks were *very* laggy to the point where I did a RTH instead of trying to manually fly it back.  It was almost unflyable due to the lag on the sticks.  Most of my flights so far have been programmed Litchi missions, some manual Litchi flights and some DJI Go flights.
I've seen many posts on this subject from 2017 and 2018 but I'm never seeing a current clear "fix" for this, so is there one?

I've used my mini iPad 4 with my Mavic Pro for almost 2 years and never (ever) had this error/issue, so now I'm getting this with the Mavic 2?  Is the issue with the Mavic 2 Pro, DJI Go 4 or the iPad?
Is this problem also associated with using Litchi to fly manually or only DJI Go 4?

My stuff:
Mavic 2 Pro, iPad mini 4 (64gb), DJI Go 4.3.20, iOS: 12.1.4

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Flight distance : 206345 ft

United States

Check for any background apps that are running.  
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Flight distance : ****
United States

I may have figured out my issue.
I didn't realize I had a setting turned on that kept all videos of my drone flights. I thought I'd set it to automatically delete older videos but it wasn't so once I deleted all of the videos, I went from 499Mb free space to 52Gb free space.  I did a DJI Go 4 test run in sport mode and didn't get the error again.
My guess is that the tablet had no space left to process new video during the flight.
Does anyone know where to turn this off? I'm not finding it as of yet.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3517287 ft
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United States

marklyn59 Posted at 6-30 19:54
I may have figured out my issue.
I didn't realize I had a setting turned on that kept all videos of my drone flights. I thought I'd set it to automatically delete older videos but it wasn't so once I deleted all of the videos, I went from 499Mb free space to 52Gb free space.  I did a DJI Go 4 test run in sport mode and didn't get the error again.
My guess is that the tablet had no space left to process new video during the flight.

General Settings (... menu, upper right) in the GO4 app - Video Cache -- Cache during Shooting slider; Record Audio slider; MAX capacity setting; Clear Cache Automatically slider; & Clear Cache menu

Specific Cache size and clear is also found under the ME page Settings ( * gear button, upper right) page.
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DJI Tony

Hi, we're sorry to know about the situation that you had with your Mavic 2 Pro, however, we're glad that you've managed to fix the problem. For additional information, you could limit the capacity of video cache that would save in the application and enable the automatically delete the old cache. You may refer to the screenshots below. Thank you for your support.

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Flight distance : ****
United States

I had it on Auto and it was also already set to clear automatically. I wonder what went wrong.
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

Had this recently happen for the first time -- I use the recommended cache settings but would note that the day was super-hot, 90+ degrees, so hot that my display dialed itself back so that I could barely see what I was flying over, and wonder if that had something to do with the CPU load errors. iPhone 7/iOS12.x. Next time I'll be sure to reboot the phone before flying to free up resources.
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