To further improve DJI Forum, we invite you to share your creative ideas for new user titles. If your title options are chosen, you will receive Forum points, and your options might become the title of a new user group! The user with the most creative title submission will also win an exclusive DJI T-shirt.
Rules: 1. Users must reply to this thread for the entry to be valid. 2. Users must come up with at least three new group titles following the group “Captain.” 3. The theme of the new group titles should be based on being a pilot. Here are the details of the current group titles for reference:
Prizes: If one title of your options is selected, you will receive 20 Forum points. The more ideas of yours that are used, the more points you can earn. Additionally, your options might become the title of a new user group! * You can earn up to 100 Forum points. The user with the most creative submission will win an exclusive DJI T-shirt. Forum points can be exchanged for DJI Credit.
Time: Now - July 19th
Additional Guidelines: 1. Contestants must guarantee the authenticity and originality of all submissions. Any submissions containing counterfeit or pirated content will result in the immediate disqualification of the contestant, and they will be held liable for any consequences that result from their submission. 2. Contestants are welcome to make submissions featuring a variety of content. Submitted content must not contain obscene or violent content or content that violates any local laws and regulations. |