Neo Supreme
 Second Officer
Flight distance : 76329 ft
United States
So far, as per the FAA regulations go, when in Class G/uncontrolled airspace, you're good. There are designated places to fly in the 5 Boroughs of NYC, which are in NYC park areas, that happen to be in controlled airspace, that you don't currently need permission, but will when the FAA-LAANC system goes into effect, at least as a hobbyist. A few of those locations, within those designated parks, are managed by private aircraft clubs, so you may need to go through them to fly in those areas.
I usually stick to Class G airspace, at specific times, as to avoid people as much as possible (early mornings on weekends and holidays). I went looking for direct policies and regulations for operating a sUAS in NYC, but I honestly haven't gotten a solid clear answer. Some sources would say flat out 'no flying' at all, though local entities are still trying to figure out how to manage this activity, thus local law enforcement may react ignorantly to the actual federal guidelines, as on the official page of NYC, states that if anyone is seen flying a drone, to call 911 (no kidding). This is just feeding into the boogey man hysteria around drones. |