Mavic Air in New York
3306 9 2019-7-15
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Pilot Clem
Flight distance : 106900 ft
United States

Hello All!

Is it possible to fly a Mavic Air in New York City? I heard about a lot of bans but it is not clear. Taking a trip up there and would be great to know. Thanks!
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Flight distance : 4463455 ft
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United States

I believe NY is off limits.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 232306 ft
United Kingdom

Apparently there's a small number of places you can, but all of Manhattan is a no fly zone which is probably where you wanted to fly...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3579409 ft
United States

A bit more information here ... e-in-new-york-city/

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DJI Stephen

Hello and good day Pilot Clem. Thank you for reaching out and thank you for the inquiry. I hope you'll get the best information and recommendations here from our valued DJI Members and Customers who had traveled in New York. I will be posting a link where in you can check locations in New York ( ) where in you can fly your drone freely and if the said locations is a no fly zone ( NFZ ). I hope this can help you. Thank you and stay safe always.
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Flight distance : 10400463 ft
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United States

Most areas of NYC, your drone would even allow to take off. Some areas you can but wise to check the new FAA - LAANC system (soon to be released on 7/23/2019) requesting permission to fly as a hobbyist in specific locations. You won't need to call ATC if within 5 miles of an airport or if you're within a certain airspace.

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Neo Supreme
Second Officer
Flight distance : 76329 ft
United States

So far, as per the FAA regulations go, when in Class G/uncontrolled airspace, you're good.  There are designated places to fly in the 5 Boroughs of NYC, which are in NYC park areas, that happen to be in controlled airspace, that you don't currently need permission, but will when the FAA-LAANC system goes into effect, at least as a hobbyist.  A few of those locations, within those designated parks, are managed by private aircraft clubs, so you may need to go through them to fly in those areas.
I usually stick to Class G airspace, at specific times, as to avoid people as much as possible (early mornings on weekends and holidays).  I went looking for direct policies and regulations for operating a sUAS in NYC, but I honestly haven't gotten a solid clear answer.  Some sources would say flat out 'no flying' at all, though local entities are still trying to figure out how to manage this activity, thus local law enforcement may react ignorantly to the actual federal guidelines, as on the official page of NYC, states that if anyone is seen flying a drone, to call 911 (no kidding).  This is just feeding into the boogey man hysteria around drones.
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Flight distance : 43501 ft
United States

I would advise you against it, unless you’re in one of the few parks where the operation of UAVs is permitted.  There are two airports, and lots of people.  The FAA does not permit the flight over masses of people, unless your aircraft is equipped with the proper ASTM measures (parachute, buzzer).  I recommend you head out of the city to Westchester County or Long Island, and get some nice shots there, where you have less to worry about.
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

I think drones are banned in NYC
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Neo Supreme
Second Officer
Flight distance : 76329 ft
United States

Again, you have to know where to fly.  Your best bet is to find Class G airspace, at a proper time and place where there are least likely to have people around.  Depending on where you do it, many people don't mind.  There are designated areas in specific parks that you can fly a drone, here is the link:, (which could be prone to change after the FAA-LAANC system is launched, which is 23JUL2019 I believe).

Be careful about Flushing Meadows Corona Park, as it is only 1.2 miles away from LaGuardia airport.  It currently is one of the designated areas to fly a drone (go figure) and you can get some awesome shots, but the constant airliner traffic, plus with the nervous mindset of people and law enforcement makes me turned off to flying there.

There are other locations that you need to check on a sectional map or even use  You can do it legally, though limited, but remember to be smart about it.
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