Flight distance : 61427 ft
United States
Mars5150 Posted at 7-24 04:45
To see Pizza pasta made with a machine at home is very Sad for an Italian. Much more 1/2hr of booring video just to get the pasta done. DJI cameras use are completely useless. Nice try, Next time use hands for the pasta and timelapse to speed all up.
Grazie per il commento "utile". The reality of my situation is physical infirmities preclude me from hand kneading and mixing. In addition, there is no evidence that hand kneading produces superior results to using proper machine techniques, so even if I had full physical capabilities, I would still use the tools I have, including a stand mixer.
And to your specific comment "DJI cameras use are completely useless. ", note my comment: "While you wouldn't normally think of the Pocket as an ideal stationary camera, the relatively narrow field of view made it perfect for what I was seeking."
As you not so kindly said, "nice try".