Sky Ninja
United States
Hey IA- Good to read the update concerning your deciding on the refund!
When put into a similar situation with an IMU failure, as you well know, I attempted to immediately go through proper channels within 3 (three) days and requested a refund. I was given the run around, then finally, an RMA...anyone who has read my original post (update coming soon), knows the rest.
It wasn't the lack of interest in the product for my being so responsive within this forum, in complete honesty, it was their lack of customer service.
Not once, not twice, not thrice, but even on the fourth go round, there were major issues. At first, I was interested more in keeping the unit and waited patiently (for 8 weeks) only contacting DJI when I noted they had somehow entered my home address as FL, instead of GA. How that was put in incorrectly, is anybody's guess. It wasn't until the 3-day-new unit and case came back, ridiculously FUBAR, that SKY NINJAwas born. Yet, I still didn't post to this forum (only to DJI, trying to keep it cool) until after the second time it came back, this time with the camera (which worked the first time back) didn't work and I received only silence from said company. Until 'Ed' tried the 'smear campaign' PR tactic (after Marc F from DJI contacted me) for not taking a refurbished in place of the new one, I had no real reason to post much.
They (DJI) were given four (4) chances to make right, on what should have been a straight forward process, and by their own doing, failed...miserably. There isn't one person on this forum, or any other for that matter, that wouldn't be more than slightly irritated, mad, disturbed or bothered by the treatment received. Of course I dumped it, who wouldn't? DJI made it clear, there was no reasonable choice that benefited me investing my money or continuing with the purchasing of their product, when it came to the Inspire.
Good for you, getting a refund. There is no reason, in todays world, to give away money we worked for and earned. Like us, manufacturers must earn our money, as well.
Remember, let go of your inner thoughts of irritatation against a product, that in the whole of life, really means nothing. Instead, enjoy the free things already around you. 
Stay in the air!