$1200 paperweight (Thank you DJI) Someone Please Help ddddddddddddd
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7440 44 2019-8-27
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Flight distance : 163071 ft
United States

Let me first start off by saying that, I don't really care what the "DRONE POLICE" have to say about this post and I'm sure it will cause some heat back at me.  I'm fine with this.  I understand that some people use drones to do stupid things but I am not one of them.  Most of the people that fly drones are smart enough and competent enough to fly without the babysitting software that has recently been added to the drone firmware.  I have my FAA-107 license and while I'm not an expert on everything I do understand the basics of rules and regulations.  I also have knowledge of reading sectional charts.  I know for a fact that DJI is playing it safe and crippling drones in NFZs (No fly zones) that are inaccurate or plain don't exist.  Some of the NFZs are red but on a sectional chart show as a flight restriction height of 200-300 feet.

I have a Mavic 2 Zoom that I purchased from DJI.  It is not rented, it is not leased, it is purchased and MINE.  I have avoided the dreaded updates because of this reason specifically.  I accedendently connected my dedicated tablet to the internet and it downloaded firmware updates and also the "fly safe database".  Once the update had completed my 1200 dollar Mavic 2 is now an expensive paperweight.  Where i could once take off and hit a box that said "I accept responsibility for my flight", now the Drone is RED LED all around and displays "NFZ".  Checking both the actual sectionals of KILG, AIRMAP, and Kittyhawk, DJI is playing it safe and saying NFZ for the entire airspace rather then the correct flight altitude.  DJI doesn't care that they have killed my ability to use my drone.

When people use the drone for a business, DJI is now costing them money.  This would be equivalent to purchasing a car, paying cash, the car is yours.  You are able to drive the car wherever and whenever you want.  One day the car manufacturer runs and update for routine maintenance and because SOME people have been driving the car wrong the car manufacturer puts software that now wont allow the car on the highway.  The car can no longer be used as intended as purchased.  Essentially this is what DJI is doing to customers that paid good money for a product.  You, DJI are punishing people (you customers) for the unsafe acts of a few morons.  If you as a pilot have recieved the FAA-107 or another equivalent license in another country then you understand rules and regs.  The drone should be unlocked.

DJI has now cost me money because I can not film in areas that I once could.  I need to be able to film for the National Guard, for Law enforcement, and Fire training as well.  I can no longer do any of this.  I have tried to REVERT the firmware back to the previous version and it still does not function.  It appears that the NFZs are part of the FLYSAFE database and I can not find a way to revert back
The original database

Is there a way to get my drone back in the sky so I can use it for what I intentionally purchased it for?  Is the DJI Enterprise series limited to this BS software?  Did DJI specifically design the Enterprise mavic drones so that they could proffit off of crippling the standard drones because that is what it feels like.  I wish I could return my drone and gladly would at this point for a FULL refund.  I did not purchase this drone so that in less then a year it would not fly.  This is the same thing that DJI does to all its drones and it should be illegal.
List of drones I owned/own

Parrot Bebop 2 (works no limit)
Parrot Bebop 1 (works no limit)
DJI Phantom 2 V+ (bricked after the card overheats does not transmit video anymore, KNOWN PROBLEM, no help from DJI)
DJI Phantom 3 standard (works but only on old tablet and old DJI app software)
DJI Spark (Not sure if the NFZ limits killed this one yet, but was working fine)
DJI Mavic 2 Zoom (functions but NFZ have killed it for its intended purposes)

As you can see the DJI family of products has its share of problems and maybe it is time to move away from it.  What i am suggesting is to have customers be able to enter or send DJI the FAA license number or equivalent for other countries and have the drone unlocked pemenetly.

As a drone pilot and FAA-107 certified you will already be taking responsibility for the flight and if things go wrong the PILOT not DJI will be held responsible.  All we need is to go back to simply acknowledging that we are responsible.  We DO NOT NEED TO BABY SITTING OF DJI TO SECOND GUESS US ALL THE TIME, especially when the database is wrong.

I'm hoping someone out there can help me get this bird back in the air once again and flying.  Has anyone successfully managed to overcome the DJI NFZ problem?

Thank you for your time.
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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You could try emailing flysafe@dji.com and point out the mistakes.
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Flight distance : 30932 ft

Hi William,

I  can feel your frustration, here in France I don’t think that the NFZs within the GO4 app are particularly advanced as when I check this against the Government drone restricted airspace maps (which is my absolute legal responsibility) there are many more restrictions on this map than appear in the app.

The restrictions on the government site are layered and range from absolute no flight areas to areas which are restricted to 30m, 50m, 60 or 100m altitude instead of the 150m altitude if there are no restrictions in place similar to which  you describe in your country.
I was filming my mother’s house the other day which has a restricted limit of 100m (more than enough for me) although there is no restriction on the Go4 app. In France we have to have passed an exam to fly a drone the size of the Mavic and also register the drone. I also always take the precaution of taking a photocopy from the government data base with me to prove that I am flying within the law if asked by the police. This will be from the French geoportal site as law enforcement will have no interest in what a third party app says.

I,like you, would have been very frustrated if (as I understand you are saying) the app prevented me from flying when I am perfectly legally allowed to albeit at a lower altitude. I understand that DJI are trying to protect us all from those who would harm the hobby but I hope there is middle way when dealing with qualified pilots and registered AC.

I hope that it stays as it is in France with regards the app as it seems to work well.

I take this opportunity to state that I always fly within the regulations as these topics appear to be very sensitive.

Good luck to finding a common sense solution



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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1118323 ft

Google Nolimitdronez (NLD) as far a i know. But I don't want to have to do anything with this. So i wont comment furter
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rwynant V1
Second Officer
Flight distance : 4842277 ft
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United States

Take the time to look up  DJI Unlocking

Readup, or watch tutorials, but take the time to learn your bird and software.  Yes, it's irritating, but you CAN do this.

A few steps to go thru, but a little planning and taking care of unlock process BEFORE going to the site, makes all the difference!!

I unlocked Class D air 1600ft off the END of a runway in Southern Cal.  FAA max 75ft  but that's all I needed......so the unlock works,  LAANC works......


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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

few things you can do, first check other applications to see if maybe there is a TFR or a legit NFZ in the area.   once you validated that it is DJI thats causing the issue and invalid NFZ and no TFR then you need to contact flysafe@dji.com and email them about this occurrence.    it is possible that you were attempting to fly during an ongoing TFR, which is probably why your spark may have worked before but now your mavic 2 isn't.  they share the exact same system for geo fencing such things.  

fact that you feel the need to mention other DJI products failing for you nd listing things off indicates you made your mind up for some reason..  an overheating card in phantom 2 and fact you cant figure out how to make the old dji go app work on newer devices (by the way, work fine for the rest of us) has literally zero bearing on what is going on and is just you making noise and sounds like you made up your mind.      
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Really do you think any business would try to stop their customers using their products, that’s just pure daft thinking.
You hate the fact of NFZs yet you bought a dji drone knowing it had built in software to avoid NFZs, now your cribbing about this.
The fact is it’s illegal to fly in NFZs, there is no drone company that allows you to fly in NFZs, if you want to fly illegally buy an Evo.

You can drive a car anywhere, “ rubbish” how many cars do you see driving down runways, how many cars you see driving around national parks, there are 1000s more rules and regulations around cars motorcycles bicycles.

If you want to fly illegally as you obviously do , then there are plenty of options but bare in mind there are many users around here that won’t appreciate your childish irresponsible behavior that in the end will only reflect badly on them .
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Second Officer
United States

If just your dedicated device (tabby/phone) was updated, then just do an uninstall and reload what you need/had on the device before the errant connection/update. (Make sure you delete ALL DJI files after uninstalling the Go4 app, and delete the cache files.
Now if, your AC was connected/powered on at the time of the errant update, and the AC got "updated", then I think your hosed, unless you go the "NLD" route.
I don't know where they stuff the NFZ "stuff", but I would try a wipe and restore of the device and see what happens, and maybe that will bring you back.
I have never updated anything since I cracked the boxes open myself, over 2 years ago, was still flying the Go app @4.0.4/5, AC never updated, batteries or controller.
But I am trying the NLD Go4 app they just released, and quite happy with it so far (5 flights).
NLD Go4 v. 4.122 is what might help you.
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Flight distance : 163071 ft
United States

Flycaster Posted at 8-27 10:01
If just your dedicated device (tabby/phone) was updated, then just do an uninstall and reload what you need/had on the device before the errant connection/update. (Make sure you delete ALL DJI files after uninstalling the Go4 app, and delete the cache files.
Now if, your AC was connected/powered on at the time of the errant update, and the AC got "updated", then I think your hosed, unless you go the "NLD" route.
I don't know where they stuff the NFZ "stuff", but I would try a wipe and restore of the device and see what happens, and maybe that will bring you back.

So it looks like I'm hosed then.  That sucks honestly because I had tried my best to keep this thing from connecting to the internet and updating.  I did the very first update to the drone only because it said it slowed the camera down from banging around during startup.

I attempted to drop it back down to the prev version 1.0003 (something like that).  I did both the controller and the aircraft.  Restarted both and then powered everything up.  Sitting in my house I got the same warning on the controller about NFZ limit and the four solid red LEDs.

What I did not try was to uninstall the app from the tablet or phone and see if I can find the older DJI app and use it.  I however fear that the FLYSAFE database is loaded into the aircraft and unless it can be found it can not be undone.

The NLD drone route is not currently an option as they do not appear to support the Mavic 2 Zoom / Pro yet.  They have it unlocked for everything but NFZs.

Response from DJI has been a joke and they just don't care.  Like my poor phantom 2 V+.  An update caused the video streaming card to cook and it was a KNOWN problem and they refused to care.  Now here is an aircraft that i bought and paid for.  It worked correctly when i purchased it and NOW after a mandatory forced update they limit the function.  It is costing my customers and money.

I guess like others i will have to go the PARROT route with a ANAFTI.  That thing looked really flimsy though so that why i went with the Mavic 2.

I put a post online on facebook and have seen that most people are having issues with it and a larger number so far say they will leave the DJI product line because of the babysitting crap.  That is customers you are losing and people lives you (DJI) are affecting by costing us business.

Does anyone know if the Enterprise drones have the same BS or was it simply designed so that DJI could restrict the older series and make another for EXTRA profit?
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Flight distance : 163071 ft
United States

hallmark007 Posted at 8-27 09:58
Really do you think any business would try to stop their customers using their products, that’s just pure daft thinking.
You hate the fact of NFZs yet you bought a dji drone knowing it had built in software to avoid NFZs, now your cribbing about this.
The fact is it’s illegal to fly in NFZs, there is no drone company that allows you to fly in NFZs, if you want to fly illegally buy an Evo.

While I agree on some of this I must point out that with permissions obtained from the sites DJI should not be blocking you.

I purchased the product and it used to work then through a forced firmware update it was crippled.  That is not the same if I had known that DJI would do this or that the drone iteself was limited the way it is now I would not have purchased it.

You also assume that I want to operate illegally (like DJI) however this is far from the truth.  I do graphics and video for The National Guard.  At times it is required to do areal work around ranges.  I contact the proper channels and get permission.  Contact range control have a radio, in contact with the units POC, In contact with tower if they have a tower operation, get permission from LAANC if needed/required.  The limiting factor is DJI.  It sits there on the ground saying it wont take off.  This is NOT illegal practices especially when you have permission from the land owner and required parties.

A second example of use that DJI considers illegal and I guess you do to is a TFR for emergency response.  Yes normal hobbyist are not going to fly a TFR for a fire or emergency response, however I have been asked by fire companies and state people to help record actions above active emergencies.  They use it for training and live feed back to show spread of fire or damage.  DJI shuts the bird down again.

I guess what DJI needs to do is make a separate firmware or NFZs for people that are FAA-107 certified or the like in other countries.

The fact is that with the bird registered and my license IM SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for any accident NOT DJI!!

So please dont assume that every single person that wants NFZs unlocked wants it to cause trouble and do things illegally.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10464596 ft

William516 Posted at 8-27 16:32
So it looks like I'm hosed then.  That sucks honestly because I had tried my best to keep this thing from connecting to the internet and updating.  I did the very first update to the drone only because it said it slowed the camera down from banging around during startup.

I attempted to drop it back down to the prev version 1.0003 (something like that).  I did both the controller and the aircraft.  Restarted both and then powered everything up.  Sitting in my house I got the same warning on the controller about NFZ limit and the four solid red LEDs.

Had the same problem last Friday here in Iceland.
Was asked to take a few pictures for a company which is 3.5 km from Akureyri airport.
That airport has 1.5 km NFZ but this company is under the flight path from the airport.
I just used the self unlock in the Fly safe database. It take few minutes and is for 3 days if you do it before you are at the place you want to fly from.
One thing to have in mind. If the Mavic don't get good GPS is can say NFZ at startup.
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DJI Mindy

Hi William516, we understand your frustration and sorry for the inconvenience caused because of the NFZ. The database will be updated from time to time according to the local laws and regulations and the actual flight restriction zones provided by the suppliers. Customers should be responsible for flight safety, so does DJI, this is always our high priority.
If you think the current NFZ is not right or you need to unlock them, please send email to flysafe@dji.com for further assistance, the team will help you out, thank you.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
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United States

It doesn't take much to be away from an NFZ unless you are on foot.  Get an e-bike.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 8-27 20:11
Hi William516, we understand your frustration and sorry for the inconvenience caused because of the NFZ. The database will be updated from time to time according to the local laws and regulations and the actual flight restriction zones provided by the suppliers. Customers should be responsible for flight safety, so does DJI, this is always our high priority.
If you think the current NFZ is not right or you need to unlock them, please send email to  for further assistance, the team will help you out, thank you.

I've heard things going wrong for people who have unlocked their NFZ.  A hiccup in the system can throw the drone that is already deep within the NFZ to show as no auth causing problems that go from there.  I don't even bother unlocking even when I'm close to it.  If I'm not in it or too close to it, I don't mind it.  I just pay attention to the trajectory of the drone when I'm flying towards it and apply the brakes sooner.  I was filming an accident that already happened by a red NFZ, and it was giving me an audible warning in a Russian woman's voice.  I thought it was cool.  The Police told me they didn't need the footage because the accident wasn't serious enough.  If I printed pix on the spot, they would have taken it I assume.

Just like with many things in life, if you cannot participate, just avoid it.  There are so many other things to participate in.  If you have a job that is in it, you can lose your drone if the system hiccups and lands it on the spot.  I'm declining all jobs that require me to be in a live NFZ unless the pay is high.  Call somebody else, preferrably one with a Parrot AR.
The idea is to wing life long enough to make it into Heaven after death, so the idea is to stick with things that are easy and capable for us to do in the meantime.  Not everyone is supposed to be athletic as Navy Seals or play at an Olympic level making millions of dollars from sponsorships.  Not everyone is called to make billions of dollars like the Google founders.  Effort levels can be the same but without the proper knowledge and the backing of the "God system", it can turn people to end up in the bottom levels of jail to the bottom levels of Hell.  With the proper knowledge and backing of the "God system" it's like having multi-hundred-million-dollar yachts and billions of dollars but in financial reality nowhere close to that but the feeling deep down be the same.
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Flight distance : 584662 ft
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United States

William516 Posted at 8-27 16:49
While I agree on some of this I must point out that with permissions obtained from the sites DJI should not be blocking you.

I purchased the product and it used to work then through a forced firmware update it was crippled.  That is not the same if I had known that DJI would do this or that the drone iteself was limited the way it is now I would not have purchased it.

"The fact is that with the bird registered and my license IM SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for any accident NOT DJI!!"

I'd tend to agree here. I am the RPIC, not DJI. You don't see manned aircraft "autoland" or "turning around" on their own to avoid a restricted airspace -- the PIC should know about it and avoid as the regulations dictate.

I also agree that DJI should have a "portal" or something for 107 pilots (and the commercial equivalent in other countries) that loosens or removes restrictions from airspace so that the RPIC can practice the role of RPIC and get to work!

It is embarrassing when you think you've unlocked airspace but when you arrive on location, for whatever reason, it doesn't work and you need to notify FlySafe@DJI again. Had that happen twice, and though DJI was quick to respond and remedy the situation (good on them), it was a hassle and extra steps that could have been avoided.

Please DJI, just let me as RPIC follow the regulations on my own. The FAA trusts me, why can't you?
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Second Officer
United States

William516 Posted at 8-27 16:32
So it looks like I'm hosed then.  That sucks honestly because I had tried my best to keep this thing from connecting to the internet and updating.  I did the very first update to the drone only because it said it slowed the camera down from banging around during startup.

I attempted to drop it back down to the prev version 1.0003 (something like that).  I did both the controller and the aircraft.  Restarted both and then powered everything up.  Sitting in my house I got the same warning on the controller about NFZ limit and the four solid red LEDs.

"What I did not try was to uninstall the app from the tablet or phone and see if I can find the older DJI app and use it. "

Try here, you should be able to find the flavor your looking for:
Make sure yoiu delet all DJI Go4 folders and cache before you install the new/test version.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
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United States

JPilotR Posted at 8-28 09:00
"The fact is that with the bird registered and my license IM SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for any accident NOT DJI!!"

I'd tend to agree here. I am the RPIC, not DJI. You don't see manned aircraft "autoland" or "turning around" on their own to avoid a restricted airspace -- the PIC should know about it and avoid as the regulations dictate.

The NFZ is so massive when the President is in the air.  Probably a 150-mile blue authorization radius.  Probably because of the Marine One flights so someone doesn't crash their drone into the air squadron.  It's kind of dumb because people can use the DJI FPV system which has Zero geofencing anywhere.  People can even use a Dragonlink to go 80km.

Not my video:

DJI just wants to be a leader showing people how strong they are with Geofencing Yet from what I've heard, Parrot AR only gives warnings, basically light yellow geofencing of the DJI drone which doesn't really do anything.  People fly the same where there are No geofencing warnings at all and at low altitude.  Precaution is still used of course.  I always look to see where the drone is and where the aircraft is so I know to dip down low enough to not scare it.

It probably has something to do with China not being able to send data back for spying purposes.  It has Nothing to do with any of us.  If DJI doesn't comply, they cannot do business in the United States which means we can't get production products that work perfectly.

I think Airsense is going to kill battery life.. they advertise it as 31 minutes on the M2E but no one really tested it.  Unless they make it Bigger on the M3 as Samsung does on their bigger phones, it could be noticeable.  Prob 25 minute flight time.  It has to beam data to the other aircraft and beam back often.  It would be interesting to see the drones cost more, probably $300 because of Airsense.  Also, the tariffs will also increase the price.  The fact the M2Z and M2P still have a backorder queue means the newer drones may not come out but they said by 2020 all DJI drones will have it.
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First Officer
United States

Checking both the actual sectionals of KILG, AIRMAP, and Kittyhawk, DJI  is playing it safe and saying NFZ for the entire airspace rather then  the correct flight altitude.  DJI doesn't care that they have killed my  ability to use my drone.  

Suggest contacting DJI about having absolute No Flight restriction removed, assuming FAA does show airspace you are attempting to fly from does allow flights below 200 (or 300 feet).

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Second Officer
  • >>>
United States

Airsense if receive only. No active signals, minimal power.
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Flight distance : 387562 ft
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AntDX316 Posted at 8-28 10:38
The NFZ is so massive when the President is in the air.  Probably a 150-mile blue authorization radius.  Probably because of the Marine One flights so someone doesn't crash their drone into the air squadron.  It's kind of dumb because people can use the DJI FPV system which has Zero geofencing anywhere.  People can even use a Dragonlink to go 80km.

Not my video:

the thing is with DJI that they are the market leader in consumer drones. As we all know, if a new tech comes on the market the whole media and (mostly) old people will bash it. Its with drones the same as with nowadays e-Scooters (much hated in Germany, need a drivers license and license plate).
DJI does everything to prove that the accidents are caused by the user and are individual cases but nobody listens and the media still deamonizes drones.
I think thats the reason why DJI is so extremely strickt when it comes to NFZ. Thats the only thing they can do to "cleanse" the name of drones. Nobody cares if smaller manufacturers doesnt really use geofencing, its always DJI which is in focus of the media.

I work for a market leading ISP and whenever something doesnt work, the media starts to bash my company. Always. Theres no such thing as comparison like "look, they still invest millions of euro while other ISP doesnt" - no. Its always the market leader which gets bashed by everyone.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
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United States

rarevfx_official Posted at 8-30 01:47
the thing is with DJI that they are the market leader in consumer drones. As we all know, if a new tech comes on the market the whole media and (mostly) old people will bash it. Its with drones the same as with nowadays e-Scooters (much hated in Germany, need a drivers license and license plate).
DJI does everything to prove that the accidents are caused by the user and are individual cases but nobody listens and the media still deamonizes drones.
I think thats the reason why DJI is so extremely strickt when it comes to NFZ. Thats the only thing they can do to "cleanse" the name of drones. Nobody cares if smaller manufacturers doesnt really use geofencing, its always DJI which is in focus of the media.

They are probably scared of lawsuits so it's how they protect themselves.
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SkyJax Aerial
Flight distance : 4127283 ft
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United States

First off, your Remote Pilot Certificate only allows for operations in Class G airspace unless you have a COA.  If you DO have a COA for the airspace you need, go on the flysafe section of the DJI site and attach that COA to a custom unlock. That route will give you everything you need besides the critical infrastructure red zones.
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SkyJax Aerial
Flight distance : 4127283 ft
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United States

First off, your Remote Pilot Certificate only allows for operations in Class G airspace unless you have a COA.  If you DO have a COA for the airspace you need, go on the flysafe section of the DJI site and attach that COA to a custom unlock. That route will give you everything you need besides the critical infrastructure red zones.  Do I get frustrated with DJIs policys? All the damn time, but there is nothing better right now and AUTEL seems more interested in trying to insult DJI than beat them tech wise.

The fact of the matter is if you do not have custom unlocks for all of the airspaces that you have COAs for, then you have not conducted your preflight preps thourougly enough.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 774203 ft

It should be not  DJi business . They should  just sell drones. Period.  i will sell mine and never buy any DJi products again. Other brands soon will sell better  drones  than dji ones.  We have to ban DJI for that stupid  thing. This behavior is due to dictatorial and tirants chinese culture.
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SkyJax Aerial
Flight distance : 4127283 ft
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United States

Francis Posted at 8-30 07:00
It should be not  DJi business . They should  just sell drones. Period.  i will sell mine and never buy any DJi products again. Other brands soon will sell better  drones  than dji ones.  We have to ban DJI for that stupid  thing. This behavior is due to dictatorial and tirants chinese culture.

First, learn to use spell check and write proper sentences.  There's this wonderful thing called spell check.

Second, the Geofencing is actually pretty easy to work with and I have custom unlocks for all of my Airspace Authorizations. Geofencing is a good thing, its just not thought about enough and people do not know how to work with the system. If there's any doubt, create a custom unlock for the area you need to fly and it does not have to be in a Geofencing restricted area.
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SkyJax Aerial
Flight distance : 4127283 ft
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United States

After reviewing the UASFM and cross-referencing it with the DJI Geofencing, I have to say they do a pretty good job with the Geofencing, I mean are there a couple of grid squares that have an altitude value mote than 0- yes. But, that doesn't mean the system is flawed. It means you create a custom unlock for your airspace and enable it whenever you need to fly in it.

Easy, problem solved.

You're making a mountain out of a mole hill, man
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 774203 ft

SkyJax Aerial Posted at 8-30 09:02
First, learn to use spell check and write proper sentences.  There's this wonderful thing called spell check.

Second, the Geofencing is actually pretty easy to work with and I have custom unlocks for all of my Airspace Authorizations. Geofencing is a good thing, its just not thought about enough and people do not know how to work with the system. If there's any doubt, create a custom unlock for the area you need to fly and it does not have to be in a Geofencing restricted area.

first, don t bother me with spell issues. You are very boring  person. I m from Brasil and i have no problem to make spell and grammar errors. I Guess you don t have nothing to do and have fun trying to bother someone. Waste your time.

second, i know how to unlock zones but sometimes it doesn t work properly.  Guess you don t know about it.

third if  spell errors bother you  i d suggest you to stay reading grammars and books. Go fly and be happy. Don t waste my time.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 774203 ft

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
  • >>>

Francis Posted at 8-30 07:00
It should be not  DJi business . They should  just sell drones. Period.  i will sell mine and never buy any DJi products again. Other brands soon will sell better  drones  than dji ones.  We have to ban DJI for that stupid  thing. This behavior is due to dictatorial and tirants chinese culture.

“Other brands soon will sell better  drones  than dji ones.  We have to ban DJI for that stupid  thing. This behavior is due to dictatorial and tirants chinese culture”

What other brands will sell better ? Autel tried with evo but was soon wiped out when M2 came along.

And since you like to accuse other countries of wrong doing, don’t be looking any further than your own government who have been known to be extremely corrupt, and prepared to stand idly by while some think it’s ok to damage the rest of the planet by setting fire to the rainforest for no reason other than greed. But that’s enough about politics.

You purchased your drone knowing it’s was NFZ ready, live with your decision, I drive my car on a road speed limit 70mph, 3 weeks ago local council reduced speed to 50mph, sh#t happens that’s life, get on with it or get out of it .
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First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
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United States

AntDX316 Posted at 8-28 10:38
The NFZ is so massive when the President is in the air.  Probably a 150-mile blue authorization radius.  Probably because of the Marine One flights so someone doesn't crash their drone into the air squadron.  It's kind of dumb because people can use the DJI FPV system which has Zero geofencing anywhere.  People can even use a Dragonlink to go 80km.

Not my video:

while i agree that DJI's system is a bit of an overreach sometimes and probably has caused crashes when the drone and the dji go app realize it is in a zone should not be forcing a landing in a location maybe a grave for the drone such the water.  i wish dji would correct those forced behaviors as i feel like if this happened to me, i would argue i am no longer the pilot in charge if i no longer can take charge of my aircraft and i would argue that DJI has became the PIC.

sidenote: airsense is nearly completely passive in nature, simply receiver. probably draws as much power as the flashing LEDs on the rear arms.  
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 774203 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 9-2 15:00
“Other brands soon will sell better  drones  than dji ones.  We have to ban DJI for that stupid  thing. This behavior is due to dictatorial and tirants chinese culture”

All drones brand which can fly are better than one cannot fly. Isnt it? And, No, u are wrong. When i bought my drones i did fly in almost all places, except near airport. Now i cannot fly in my backyard. So when i bought then there was no such stupid  NFZ,  So i agree that DJI drones are very good paper weight. Soon you will realize it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 774203 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 9-2 15:00
“Other brands soon will sell better  drones  than dji ones.  We have to ban DJI for that stupid  thing. This behavior is due to dictatorial and tirants chinese culture”

Here in Brazil we have the DECEA, the same as your FAA or something else. There are more noflyzones in DJI map than  in DECEA  map. They dont know nothing about our legislation and force us to follow that  chinese dictatorial stupid rules.  I m sorry, but this is real.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Francis Posted at 9-2 18:20
All drones brand which can fly are better than one cannot fly. Isnt it? And, No, u are wrong. When i bought my drones i did fly in almost all places, except near airport. Now i cannot fly in my backyard. So when i bought then there was no such stupid  NFZ,  So i agree that DJI drones are very good paper weight. Soon you will realize it.

No I already realize it and was fully aware that my M2 was equipped with NFZ GEO and there would be future updates on an ongoing basis, I’m also aware how easy it is to both fly in NFZ and to report wrong zones , I’m also glad that my system warns me of flying in NFZ thus avoiding fines and or having my drone confiscated.
I’m really happy that NFZ keeps others from breaking laws and NFZ can only have a positive effect for those involved professionally or hobbyists and it goes someway towards easing down on rules that would have inevitably come because that’s what happens when drone flyers believe it’s a free for all.
It’s a simple matter of learning how to organize flying in NFZ, something that takes minutes.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 774203 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 9-3 03:13
No I already realize it and was fully aware that my M2 was equipped with NFZ GEO and there would be future updates on an ongoing basis, I’m also aware how easy it is to both fly in NFZ and to report wrong zones , I’m also glad that my system warns me of flying in NFZ thus avoiding fines and or having my drone confiscated.
I’m really happy that NFZ keeps others from breaking laws and NFZ can only have a positive effect for those involved professionally or hobbyists and it goes someway towards easing down on rules that would have inevitably come because that’s what happens when drone flyers believe it’s a free for all.
It’s a simple matter of learning how to organize flying in NFZ, something that takes minutes.

You don't know anything about Brazilian law and DJi's performance here in Brazil. DJI cannot have more authority than our aviation department. This is not the role of a chinese drone maker. So don't talk about what you don't know, please. Do not defend the indefensible.  I think DJI doesn't pay you to be a poster boy

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Francis Posted at 9-3 07:06
You don't know anything about Brazilian law and DJi's performance here in Brazil. DJI cannot have more authority than our aviation department. This is not the role of a chinese drone maker. So don't talk about what you don't know, please. Do not defend the indefensible.  I think DJI doesn't pay you to be a poster boy
General Rules for Flying a Drone in Brazil

Based on our research and interpretation of the laws, here are the most important rules to know for flying a drone in Brazil.

  • Drone pilots must be a minimum of 18 years of age.
  • Drone pilots cannot operate more than one drone at the same time.
  • Drone pilots must maintain a visual line of sight with their drone at all times.
  • Drone pilots flying a drone that weighs over .55 lbs (250g) must hold insurance that covers damage to third parties.
  • Any drone that weighs over .55 lbs (250g) must be registered in ANAC’s Unmanned Aircraft System (SISANT), and the registration ID must be accessible on the UAV. Access the registry here.
  • As a general rule, drones that weigh over .55 lbs (250g) may only fly in areas 98 feet (30m) or more away from people not involved in the flight, under the full responsibility of the pilot operator and according to rules of use of the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA) airspace. If there is a protective barrier between the equipment and the persons specified, this distance need not be observed.
  • Flying is not allowed over prisons, military facilities, or other critical infrastructure.
  • Flying is not allowed 98 feet (30m) or less from a building.
  • Flying is not allowed over people.
  • If flying three to five nautical miles from an airport the maximum altitude allowed is 100 feet. If flying five miles from an airport the maximum altitude allowed is 100 to 400 feet. Flights closer to an airport than three miles require a NOTAM issued by SARPAS.
  • To fly a drone that weighs over .55 lbs (250g) closer than 98 feet (30m) to people it is necessary that the people agree in advance to the operation.
  • Autonomous operations of drones (that is, the use of drones where the remote pilot is not able to intervene) are prohibited. Autonomous drone operations are different from automated drone operations, in which the remote pilot can intervene at any point.
  • Depending on the details of your operations, a license might be required. Scroll down to learn more about licensing in Brazil.

For more information on Brazil’s drone laws, see this page on the ANAC website.

Know something we don’t about drone laws in Brazil? Send us an email at support@uavcoach.com. We are not international aviation attorneys and do our best to keep this page up-to-date for drone pilots, but the reality is that given the pace of the small unmanned aerial system (sUAS) industry and how governments are responding, drone regulations in Brazil can change throughout the year, and those changes can be hard to track. If we missed something, please reach out to let us know.

Licensing Requirements for Flying a Drone in Brazil

If you’re flying a drone that weighs less than .55 lbs and you’re flying under 400 feet then ANAC considers you licensed for its purposes, and you don’t need any additional documentation.

On the other hand, a license is required by ANAC in these circumstances:

  • Class 1: Your drone weighs more than 330 lbs and you want to fly above 400 feet.
  • Class 2: Your drone weighs between 55 lbs and 330 lbs and you want to fly above 400 feet.
  • Class 3: Your drone weighs 55 lbs or less and you want to fly above 400 feet.

In addition to obtaining a license, drone pilots operating in Class 1 or Class 2 must hold an Aeronautical Medical Certificate (CMA) issued by ANAC or a third class CMA issued by the DECEA.

Learn more about licensing requirements on ANAC’s website.

Want to get a feel for the kind of footage you could get flying a drone in Brazil? Here you go:

Only idiots get personal. Good bye.
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Second Officer

Excactly what I have done over the past 2 years with my Mavic I
Never updated anything.
My bird flies fine thank you.
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Neo Supreme
Second Officer
Flight distance : 76329 ft

Dirty Bird Posted at 9-3 08:09
If you updated your Mavic 2 firmware to the latest you are hosed (for now at least) as it implemented an anti-rollback "feature".   As long as you haven't installed the very latest you still have the ability to roll back & ditch the NFZ through a third-party firmware & app.

It is my personal belief that the decision & responsibility of when to fly belongs to the PIC.  You will find that there are those who yearn to be controlled & adamantly insist that arbitrarily grounding a product you purchased is somehow a desirable & beneficial "feature" that you willingly agreed to by purchasing the product.  As though there was a big warning or disclosure on the box.  I disagree & will only say there are those who like to be controlled, & there are those who like to fly.

Much agreed with your statement.  The self appointed 'drone police' and resident trolls have engaged on this post.  Thankfully, the NFZ issues, haven't affected me negatively, though, there are plenty of instances with other pilots, that didn't go well at all.
I always state that losing control of any type of aircraft mid flight, is a severe safety concern.  If you are a Part 107 holder, you should be able to register/link your status in the DJI Go 4 app, which should make available more options to relieve restrictions, with any necessary authorization, such as the LAANC system.
'Killing' aircraft, whether pre-flight or mid flight, is a knee jerk and lazy way to handle these situations.  Again, as stated before, as the PIC, the accountability should fall on you, especially as a Part 107 holder.  The FAA doesn't even restrict pilots as much as DJI reportedly does.
I understand the restrictions are to cull the 'rule breakers' and rogue pilots out there, though the commercially certified professionals, are suffering as if they are a regular joe, walking off the street and flying a drone around.
This industry needs to be approached properly, especially towards those taking the necessary steps to be a more professional entity.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3394731 ft
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The NFZ when the President is in the air spans like 500 miles and lasts for days.
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SkyJax Aerial
Flight distance : 4127283 ft
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Neo Supreme Posted at 9-3 09:34
Much agreed with your statement.  The self appointed 'drone police' and resident trolls have engaged on this post.  Thankfully, the NFZ issues, haven't affected me negatively, though, there are plenty of instances with other pilots, that didn't go well at all.
I always state that losing control of any type of aircraft mid flight, is a severe safety concern.  If you are a Part 107 holder, you should be able to register/link your status in the DJI Go 4 app, which should make available more options to relieve restrictions, with any necessary authorization, such as the LAANC system.
'Killing' aircraft, whether pre-flight or mid flight, is a knee jerk and lazy way to handle these situations.  Again, as stated before, as the PIC, the accountability should fall on you, especially as a Part 107 holder.  The FAA doesn't even restrict pilots as much as DJI reportedly does.
DJI gives you the ability to apply for custom unlocks, so as long as you have a COA for that airspace you’re good to go.

If not.....
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Flight distance : 560472 ft

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