Wake screen while recording?
1843 10 2019-8-28
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Flight distance : 5106037 ft

While recording, we can press the power button to switch off the screen but pressing it again it won't turn back on the screen? I found the only way to turn it on again is to toggle to front screen then back by holding the QS button twice, other than of course stop recording or shutdown restart.

I immediately updated to the latest firmware upon unboxing. So I don't have any clue this also happens in older firmware. Any advise guys?
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It should toggle on and off using the power button (square button to left hand side) whilst recording (4k @ 30fps), or if toggled off can be turned on again by tapping screen. That's what my one does, on latest firmware.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 5106037 ft

Aardvark Posted at 8-28 05:04
It should toggle on and off using the power button (square button to left hand side) whilst recording (4k @ 30fps), or if toggled off can be turned on again by tapping screen. That's what my one does, on latest firmware.

Hmm yes I used the power button to toggle the screen on off. But it doesn't work while recording, think mine was set to 4K 60FPS, RS off, Dewarp on... will try later using 4K 30FPS.
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Second Officer
United States

Aardvark Posted at 8-28 05:04
It should toggle on and off using the power button (square button to left hand side) whilst recording (4k @ 30fps), or if toggled off can be turned on again by tapping screen. That's what my one does, on latest firmware.

Like you, I find tapping the screen turns it back on.
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Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Nazar78 Posted at 8-28 05:57
Hmm yes I used the power button to toggle the screen on off. But it doesn't work while recording, think mine was set to 4K 60FPS, RS off, Dewarp on... will try later using 4K 30FPS.

"4K 60FPS, RS off, Dewarp on"

I get the same results as before using those parameters.

Also tapping screen will not waken it up if not recording.
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United Kingdom

Nazar78 Posted at 8-28 05:57
Hmm yes I used the power button to toggle the screen on off. But it doesn't work while recording, think mine was set to 4K 60FPS, RS off, Dewarp on... will try later using 4K 30FPS.

Have a look at 'About' in the camera settings, the latest firmware should show as
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 5106037 ft

ff22 Posted at 8-28 06:31
Like you, I find tapping the screen turns it back on.

Oh didn't know that, thanks guys for the tips... but my issue follows below...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 5106037 ft

Aardvark Posted at 8-28 08:16
Have a look at 'About' in the camera settings, the latest firmware should show as

Yes the firmware I just checked is which I immediately updated after first power up.

I tested recording again this time in 4K 30FPS still the screen won't turn back on when the power button is pressed or the screen tapped. I also noticed if I off the screen while recording then use my accidental work around by toggling the QS, then press stop, the screen no longer respond to taps/swipes, so need to restart.

But I finally did a factory reset, run through the quick setups and immediately it work just like you guys said it would. One thing though I noticed in 4K 30FPS I can swipe the screen up and down to adjust the screen brightness but not in 4K 60FPS.

I had messed with many of the options when I first got the OA few days back, so not sure which is causing this. Will play around more with it thanks guys for the info.
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Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

Nazar78 Posted at 8-28 09:28
Yes the firmware I just checked is which I immediately updated after first power up.

I tested recording again this time in 4K 30FPS still the screen won't turn back on when the power button is pressed or the screen tapped. I also noticed if I off the screen while recording then use my accidental work around by toggling the QS, then press stop, the screen no longer respond to taps/swipes, so need to restart.

"I noticed in 4K 30FPS I can swipe the screen up and down to adjust the screen brightness but not in 4K 60FPS."

I see the same here, perhaps to much demand already on processor @ 60fps.
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Hi Nazar78,

I have similar issue when I shoot Timelapse. Display is not turning off during all night even Screen Auto Sleep option is set on: 1min.
FW is

Factory reset, this helped me...

After this all working well. Display is dimming, turning off on all modes...And tapping on display is working like a charm.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 5106037 ft

Canonian Posted at 8-28 23:04
Hi Nazar78,

I have similar issue when I shoot Timelapse. Display is not turning off during all night even Screen Auto Sleep option is set on: 1min.

Yes, factory reset seems to also solved my screen issue but I hope we don't have to do this every time there's new firmware
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