RSC2 Gimbal Lock mode
To all those, like me, who have the same problem (having the RSC2 gimbal locked without having to press the front button all the time) here you have a suggested solution.
On the Ronin app in your mobile device go to User Profile
Select M3> Custom
Disable all 3 motors on the gimbal
From now on, each time you select M3 in your RSC2 you’ve got a gimbal lock as if you were pressing the front button on the gimbal
If you need to have FPV mode enabled on M3, you can return to it on the Ronin app in your mobile device go to User Profile
Select M3> FPV
You are all set to use the gimbal on the FPV mode
Alternatively, you can achieve the same result by operating the controls on the gimbal
Let’s say that you have the FPV Mode active on M3
Press the Side Dial (4).
Turn the dial until you get to the Follow icon on the gimbal’s screen
Press the Side Dial (4) again and you’ll be presented “Mode FPV” on the gimbal’s screen
Press the Side Dial (4) again and then turn the Side Dial wheel to point to “Custom”
Press the Side Dial (4) again and you’ll be presented with option to turn OFF the Tilt, Roll and Pan motors by pressing one more time on the Side Dial (4)
Now that all 3 motors have been turned OFF, press the Back Botton (9) 4 times
The gimbal’s screen will indicate that the device is in Custom Mode, that is Gimbal Lock Mode.
Now, Let’s say that you have the Gimbal Lock Mode active on M3
Press the Side Dial (4).
Turn the dial until you get to the Follow icon on the gimbal’s screen
Press the Side Dial (4) again and you’ll be presented “Mode Custom” on the gimbal’s screen
Press the Side Dial (4) again and then turn the Side Dial wheel to point to “FPV”
Press the Side Dial (4) again and select “FPV”
Now press the Back Button (9) 3 times
The gimbal’s screen will indicate that the device is in FPV Mode
I do not own a RS2 therefore I can’t tell if the above proposed solution is viable on that device
I hope this somehow helps