Flight distance : 437907 ft
I have only one simple question of understanding.
What does "Coming soon...." mean for you.
Here i have heard this phrase often in combination with features that not released yet.
e.g. Mavic2 pro/zoom: Waypoints
Smart Controller: Dual Mode
Smart Controller: SkyTalk
For me does "Coming soon...." mean that it will come in a few days, maybe in 1-2 weeks.
Maybe in other cultures (e.g. Asia) it means something different ?
e.g. the smart controller was released at the beginning of january 2019 and in the advertising of the SC DJI have mentioned "SkyTalk". Today it´s the 10.10.2019...
I knows that you can find in the beta of firmaware 0.565 "SkyTalk" , but the normal User still don´t have this function.
For me it´s really difficult to understand such statements but maybe someone here can explain it to me, maybe some of the Admins here ;)