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"Coming soon...."
1025 3 2019-10-10
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Flight distance : 437907 ft


I have only one simple question of understanding.

What does "Coming soon...." mean for you.

Here i have heard this phrase often in combination with features that not released yet.

e.g. Mavic2 pro/zoom: Waypoints
        Smart Controller: Dual Mode
        Smart Controller: SkyTalk

For me does "Coming soon...." mean that it will come in a few days, maybe in 1-2 weeks.

Maybe in other cultures (e.g. Asia) it means something different ?

e.g. the smart controller was released at the beginning of january 2019 and in the advertising of the SC DJI have mentioned "SkyTalk". Today it´s the 10.10.2019...

I knows that you can find in the beta of firmaware 0.565 "SkyTalk" , but the normal User still don´t have this function.

For me it´s really difficult to understand such statements but maybe someone here can explain it to me, maybe some of the Admins here ;)

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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft

I just Googled "Skytalk" and it says it needs WiFi for it to work and ya i know it hasn't been released yet and it's October. So i'm guessing one would need to make their phone a hotspot in order to use it in the wild? Wouldn't be much fun just flying around your house or near somewhere you can grab WiFi at to me anyway.
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Flight distance : 960732 ft

Feature dependant but I'd say 3-6 months is 'coming soon' At a stretch 6-12 months, Again, depending on what is thats 'coming soon'.  
I also believe that there is an incredible amount of impatience amongst customers and users however it is fueled by promises from DJI sources and tons of speculation throughout youtube and the net.

If we're talking purely SC here. My hopes for this device are that it becomes thee most flexible and capable controller in the DJI lineup with proper premium support. Sadly since its launch there has been huge delays on updates so much so that the SC lags behind Android and iOS phones. This only creates a feeling that in time it may go the way of CrystalSky monitors. I really hope not because I believe DJI are onto something here. Can only hope they that they get their act together and perfect the SC before abandoning it and releasing a SC version 2.  

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Neo Supreme
Second Officer
Flight distance : 76329 ft

'Coming Soon' can easily mean 'TBD'....To Be Determined.
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