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Should I wait???
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Should I wait until DJI fixes all the major issues with the phantom 3? I can see that many but not all are experiencing gimbal, horizon, lag...etc issues/problems...
Would dji be able to fix all of this by August? Or even earlier? I want to enjoy my summer with a new P3P with no problems so i do not have to send it back In for dji to fix and wait 3 weeks...
I currently have a P3A and it's cool. But I want a Professional, but I worried about it having some of those problems that people are experiencing.

I know you can perhaps temporally fix these problems but I would want a perfect P3P unit.

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You may have a long wait, besides, you are only hearing but a sample of the thousands of people who own Phantoms and are having issues.  If you have a P3A, stick with that.  The advantages of the Pro are questionable with the exception of editing.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 809350 ft
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United Kingdom

I said this in another thread.

I would not wait at all. If you wait a few months  all you will have is a newer firmware, newer app. There will still be those reporting their particular issues 6 months down the line, flyaway this, fell from the sky that, wasnt my fault at all, DJI are sh*t, released a prodyct too soon, firmware is buggy. There are tens of thousands of these things up in the skies every day and you hear a "tiny" bit about issues.
I am far from a beta tester.. One of my P3's had an issue and went back but the other is perfect and I get nothing other than satisfaction flying it.

Wait if you want byt all that attitune gets you is a wait before you get to play with the same cool things that others already have . You might wait long enough and the P3+ or P3 will be out, then you can wait for that aswell

You can now buy the official DJI Hardshell Backpack for the Phantom 3
Remember to buy extra propellers and one or two spare batteries to keep you flying - The Ultimate Phantom 3 Resource

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United States

Also remember that there are thousands of folks who are not having any issues, and those happy customers are not going to be logging into this forum and commenting.  If you look at the screen names from the various threads, you begin to see some of the same names.  So even if you were to try and count all of the posts and replies, it would overstate the number of frustrated PH3 owners.

That said, there are no doubt some issues with the product - but I think the biggest issue is around communication; especially around a good manual for the app.  A large number of the complaints in the earlier posts were around camera issues where the person didn't know there was a built-in feature in the app to correct or customize that particular problem - that's where a manual would have helped.   

If you're a pilot, you most likely love the PH3.  If you're a photographer, you might have expected more from the camera.  But if you're a professional photographer, how much did you pay retail for your camera(s) and additional add-ons?    And do they fly?  : )

The good news is, like almost every new technology in the market today, it's almost all controlled by software.  So, over time, once DJI digs out from all the demand that they didn't expect, they'll be able to really focus on the software bugs and you'll see new releases coming out faster.

But I would agree somewhat with kalin2011, if you have a PH3 Adv now, have fun and wait it out.  It should still hold its resell value 6 months from now, and you can sell it and upgrade to the Pro once things settle down a little.  

FYI, there are quite a few happy posts in this forum as well - here's one that just got started:

Have fun ....
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United States

What issues? I've been flying for about a month and it is even more solid than my P2V+ and it was near perfect. Never the slightest glitch while flying it, superb video, high res, near reattime on my tablet. I bought it because I couldn't think of anything else I wanted..... well maybe ground station and point of interest but that will come eventually from DJI or 3rd parties or both.
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I'm giving my P3A to my friend as a wedding gift... So I'll be buying the P3P soon I guess.
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I have 67 flights with zero issues.  I see you are from Canada.  This thread could save you some money . . .
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