Flight distance : 5922034 ft
To this:
"I am wondering if osmo pocket can do better for such a long video recording???"
Your setup looks pretty steady.
The advantage of over 1kg, methinks
The pocket is, however, a very lightweight camera stick.
I am just waiting for some "stuff", to try this a bit, but my guess is, that I will have to add a bit weight to every handheld option.
But less than a kilo, of course ;-)
Right now it is like in many videos you can watch:
People walking and depending on their natural up and down moves during that, and, perhaps, little front back moves of the gimbal holding hand, you see it more or less.You see that movement even in your test video, a bit
To your setup:
For a 2 h walk and in case it is on tarmac or other more or less leveled ground:
How about attaching it to a bike as the caddy?