First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
United States
hallmark007 Posted at 10-31 20:07
IMO although features are a great way of selling drones alas the majority of users buy to fly record video and take photographs many features are never used even the better ones are niche, I believe improved battery time improved connection improved transmission and overall stability is where the money should be spent, a good drone needs all of this, this drone effectively replaces the spark and it is hugely better with better tech and much better in fact twice the battery power and costs much less for the combo which includes 3 batteries where spark included 2 , so great value .
it only has 1 IMU, 1 gyro, 1 accelerometer, 1 compass, has less shooting features then the spark does, no avoidance sensors, and i dont know what price point you found but $499 (us) its only $50 less than initial cost of the spark which included 3 batteries, controller, carry case, car charger, charge hub and other stuff as well. plus additionally it is using inferior battery technology using Li-ion instead of Li-Po which is less energy dense, and less capable of sudden energy dumps and more sensitive to temperature fluctuations. need proof of this just look at every other modern DJI drone.. 1/3rd of the weight is battery or about 30% of its weight. the mavic mini has a battery weight that consumes 40% of the drones entire weight. also typical 18650 cell has about 4-6 amp max safe continious current draw rating per cell, really good cell may have 8-10 amps vs a typical low end flat pack li-po can do 30 amps safely and avg flatpack li-po can to 50 amps safely
the reason its likely to get rated 30 minutes of flight time is down to primarily the weight since much easier to lift 249 grams as well as less sensors and hardware functions to chew up SoC cycles.
as for extra stability..what the actual BS are you going on about? not that stable..couple reviews i watched with mild wind it was bouncing around in while it yea holds its position thats nothign amazing anymore, just matter of allowing deeper angle of attack for most part since dji greatly limits this as well as power limited to absolute hell and back. one guy, potatojet guy who got to review mavic mini was having issue with his holding its altitude on a small mountain (basically a hill) |