First Officer
Flight distance : 5381368 ft
United States
connections do help but ya not all of us have that. so im offer general advice for people, whether they re rude or not about things. gives people some hope if this is what they aspire to.
i had a contact within DJi for a short period of time myself but never did anything with it anyway, so im sure its dead end now, could ask for her if i could remeber her damn name xD.
sidenote: dont think dji would want me as a reviewer or influencer cuz im honest and blunt, if i dont like something then you hear about it, if i find conflict in something, you would know of it. and i find overlyglowing reviews generally suspicious because i feel like best reviews are balance and real talk, nothing in this world if faultless and sadly..i fault find, i hunt for problems and i test things to their limits and doubt dji would like this.. |