First Officer
Flight distance : 2733760 ft
United States
Drone Registration
Just to be clear I'm doing this right, I am flying my drone(s) for recreational purposes only... no Part 107. I get a registration number from the FAA.
1) That number is my registration number and not necessarily the drone's.
2) I can use that one number for and on all my drones...each drone does not need it's own individual number.
3) I don't have to register each drone individually.
4) If I buy a new drone, I don't have to register it as long as I already have an FAA registration number.
5) If I buy a Mavic Mini as my first and only drone, I don't have to register it with the FAA because it's less than 250 grams.
Please answer yes or no to a specific numbered statement. Don't guess...reply only if you're positive. Thanks!!!