When the client connects to the RMS1 the following frame is sent (#1 & #2 are just captured at different times, it did a lot of testing and the behavior is always the same):
- The first byte represents the length of the data, in our case 0x30 = 48 bytes
- 2nd Byte 0x80 seems the magic number for most of the WiFi commands. It works like 0x55 when we you use the serial connection –, this explains why tools like DUMLdore are able to get the S1 into update mode... however RedHerring, aka "July 4th Independence Day exploit" will not work with the S1
 - The next two byte look like a session ID, the RMS1 will answer with the same ID
- Bytes 5-7: Don't know
- Byte 8 looks like a checksum for the first 7 bytes. I was unlucky to recalculate it, even with use of the DJI method implemented in the duml_crc.py. Some help & ideas are highly appreciated
The RMS1 always answers with the following sequence:
As you can see it follows the same rules as mentioned above. Byte 8 changed, because in byte 7 the value also changed.
After that we have to keep the connection alive. It's a bit more difficult to find the right frames which are send from the application, because the S1 sends signal strengths, battery power and so on. I have not identified the magic heartbeat package from the RMS1 application yet. At ~ frame 279 the Client Application also started so send a list of the current firmware files, versions & checksum. I hope this is not needed to keep the connection alive...