United States
Hello, I am with the INAV Fixed Wing Facebook Group. We're nearly 1 year old and have over 2500 members. If anybody from DJI would like to look at the group stats I would gladly share them. We skew older, and have more money than the typical quad pilots. I can tell you firsthand, our members spend money on technology like I've never seen before. This is the crest of the wave. Fixed wing allows people to fly further and longer than with most quads. This opens up a new world of flight.
The largest problem I see with quads is that, for many, it's a hobby like skateboards and electric guitars. Some go further with it, but a lot put it in their closet and forget about it. Thus, INAV fixed wing allows people new opportunities to further engage with the hobby. I think that this will be a benefit for DJI pilots knowing that they can go down the avenue of fixed wiing with gear that they currently own. This may very well help direct people toward new products from DJI to support their growing needs for their new passion.
Feel free to contact me, or look up INAV Fixed Wing Group on Facebook to see what we're all about. Thank you for your consideration.