I intend to sell away my mavic mini therefore i cant seem to find that restore back to factory settings in the Dji Assistant 2 app under Firmware update. As far as i understand it does work for the other Mavic series.. anyone able to help me out pls??
UPDATED: As stated in Post 3 it confirms that this tutorial is incorrect in that it is saying to use Assistant 2 for Phantom vice Assistant 2 for Mini. Assistant 2 for Phantom does have a hard reset tab but unfortunately Assistant for Mavic does not have a reset tab.
I sent an email to DJI Support on how to hard reset and they have not replied yet. Will update post when/if I hear back.
Looks like Mavic mini to me. I have no reason to reset mine so I haven’t tried either. Hopefully if this guide is wrong you might figure it out and give us the correct way to do it should someone else need to.
The app keeps all the data. If you reset through that, about the only thing the drone will remember is the last home point and RTH height.
Remember, the Mini has no onboard storage like other drones.
The app keeps all the data. If you reset through that, about the only thing the drone will remember is the last home point and RTH height.
i don't think so. because i had uninstall the app, deleted all data from smartphone and after a new install, the app know my copters name, and some other informations.
so the copter, i think, has a small storage(chip) inside.
coyote20 Posted at 12-28 10:57
i don't think so. because i had uninstall the app, deleted all data from smartphone and after a new install, the app know my copters name, and some other informations.
so the copter, i think, has a small storage(chip) inside.
No, this data is stored on Google servers if you are using Android or your iCloud account, if you are using IOS device.
UPDATED: As stated in Post 3 it confirms that this tutorial is incorrect in that it is saying to use Assistant 2 for Phantom vice Assistant 2 for Mini. Assistant 2 for Phantom does have a hard reset tab but unfortunately Assistant for Mavic does not have a reset tab.
Any news about it ?
I would like to reset mine about the yaw delay controls which isn't present in the factory firmware.
My Mvic Mini is strucked. It is not powering on. Can anyone help please? Last time, after a successful flight, it was not powering off, then I removed the battery. After that, it is not powering on.