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V2 Gimbal hiccups
856 4 2019-12-11
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Flight distance : 584662 ft
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United States


Took my V2 on a job yesterday and for the first time ever, the gimbal decided to give me some hiccups. Power up was fine, but during flight the gimbal began to stick to the left, showing the left landing skid. I had lost control of the gimbal essentially (no messages either -- motor overload or anything). So I yawed back and forth to "shake" it loose, and easily enough it did. But the minute I tried to rotate the drone for another shot (left or right, didn't matter), the gimbal would shove the camera to the left again and stick. This was followed by another exercise in yawing back and forth quickly to unstick it.

When the gimbal was stuck, it did not respond to any gimbal control input or C2 Nadir command or gimbal reset. Also, when I was able to unstick it, there was this gentle but perceptible yaw in the camera from right to left and back again maybe 10 degrees FOV (like it was shaking its head "no"). I got it back on the ground and checked cables, and did a power recycle and all seemed well. No warnings or any odd noises. Went back up and the gimbal didn't stick this time, but I still had that "head shake" of 10 degrees or so right to left.

Brought the P4P back and did another power recycle (no warnings or messages). All seemed well so I went back up. This time though, the gimbal simply froze and I couldn't "shake it loose" with yawing. So I landed again and called it a day.

Before I packed up though, I put on a level surface to attempt a gimbal calibration. It froze at 50%, which I believe is a noted issue on the forums here. I power cycled and everything seemed fine, but I didn't fly either -- I just wanted to make sure it cycle back on.

I did some searches on this and found similar issues, but no real solution as of yet.

Can any mod or pilot point to me to a possible remedy? Or am I stuck sending it in? This is the first real issue I've had with my P4P in a year. Maybe it is just needs some attention

Thanks all! Have a great week!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 290348 ft
United States

Another P4P pilot suggested to give the gimbal a healthy dose of canned air.
Every nook and cranny that you can get to. I tried it and haven't had an issue since.
Mine still makes grinding noises occasionally, but no "stickyness".
I am convinced that the gimbal motors are a bit undersized.
So any bit of dust, dirt or grime might be the cause.
Hope this helps.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused. Prior from experiencing this issue, was there any hard landing or crash that happened on the said drone? I would recommend to please try calibrating the IMU then try doing the Gimbal calibration after. If issue still persists, kindly please provide a short video of said issue. Please keep us posted for further assistance. Thank you.
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Flight distance : 584662 ft
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United States

Will do Paladin. Thanks.

No, no hard landings or incidents. Just started out of the blue. I will try a hard IMU recalibration and see if that is preventing the gimbal calibration.
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Flight distance : 584662 ft
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United States

1Eagle Posted at 12-11 11:20
Another P4P pilot suggested to give the gimbal a healthy dose of canned air.
Every nook and cranny that you can get to. I tried it and haven't had an issue since.
Mine still makes grinding noises occasionally, but no "stickyness".

Yep, very good suggestion. Gonna have to dig back in the drawers for a can of air! I know I have some somewhere...

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