Second Officer
United States
Xelle Posted at 12-14 07:15
Thank you very much. What can I do with the edited source? Paste in Robomasters Lab doesn't work. Does it mean, that I do not really can write a python program? I can only have a look at the generated code?
Thank you for your patience ...
When You enter the DIY Programming section, at the top of the screen you will see both "Scratch" and "Python (Beta)". Touch the second one to program using Python.
Other than that, Copy & paste work as expected for me.
DIY Programming -> Scratch -> Open/Create a program -> Select the Python code display -> Long press in the code and select all -> Copy -> Back to DIY Programming -> Python (Beta) -> Create Program -> Long press -> Paste.
This is in an Android device. If you are in an iOS device or on desktop use the usual ways to copy/paste text.