Frank V
Flight distance : 41004 ft
BobWinNV Posted at 12-24 16:41
A lot of smartphone chargers and some computer ports will not provide enough current to charge the battery in a decent length of time. Make sure the charger is at least 18 watts and provides at least 2 amps to the port you are charging from.
It is not the current, but the correct voltage.
These quick chargers supply pump the voltage up from5 to 9V,and then 12V at max. 18W (1,5 amps).
You may have a regular USB 5V 3A output charger, but then it still will take hours and hours to charge.
With the blinking speed of the LED's you can see the speed it will charge (and what input voltage it takes).
A regular phone charger might do the job too: just read the voltages mentioned on the adapter, and not exceeding the 18W (1,5Amps) |