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Battery maintenance & charging to storage capacity
5788 5 2019-12-27
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Flight distance : 853110 ft
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hi everyone, I have mavic mini and it is my second, but first "real-deal" drone, so I am a bit of a newbie...
Anyway I've read alot about battery maintenance: how it should newer be left discharged or fully charged for longer periods, how we should avoid discharging often below 20%, about calibration ect, about storage capacity... But no one really explained how do you get to storrage capacity, at what battery level do you land your drone....So I still have few questions that bugg me so if there is someone experienced and patient for these detailed questions, I would like to hear your oppinions:

1) If I used my drone and batteries are down to 30% and I'm not gonna use it for maybe 5-7 days should I charge them to storage capacity or they can be left on 30%
(I know DJI suggests charging to storage capacity if not used for 10 and more days but what about less, as mentioned above ?

2) How do you get to storage capacity ??? If i fly my drone to 30% battery, Is it OK to charge them untill third led starts flashing on the charger? I want to save as many as possible charge cycles...charging them to 100% and then discharging to 50% seems like huge waste of time and cycles

3) Is landing at 30% to soon or a good thing, or is it ok to discharge to 20%

4) And in general can you explain "how" do you folks charge your batteries? , how often? , at what battery percentage do you land you drone and how soon do you charge?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
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The MM batteries don't have a auto discharge feature, so for storage you need to manually discharge them to between 40% and 70%

Dji recommends that you fly the drone until the battery reaches the 50% discharge point or you can recharge them to 50%

Flying till 20% should be ok, but the DJI Fly app might force an autoland

I only fly down to 30%, charging is done by the MM battery hub.

Managing the MM batteries will be difficult, on other Mavic aircraft the batteries automatically discharge themselves over time to the storage capacity, then all you have to do is charge them up to 100% every three months to manage them
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Flight distance : 853110 ft
Bosnia and Herzegovina

lannes Posted at 12-28 09:56
The MM batteries don't have a auto discharge feature, so for storage you need to manually discharge them to between 40% and 70%

Dji recommends that you fly the drone until the battery reaches the 50% discharge point or you can recharge them to 50%

So flying down to 30% and afterwards charging them up to 50% is good strategy
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First Officer
Flight distance : 4465 ft
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Luka_BiH_ Posted at 12-28 11:48
So flying down to 30% and afterwards charging them up to 50% is good strategy

Yes , it should be fine.

Li-po batteries don't have a memory affect

I believe actually charging it to 100% and discharging it causes more stress as it's a full charge cycle
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Flight distance : 23228 ft

lannes Posted at 2019-12-28 14:52
Yes , it should be fine.

Li-po batteries don't have a memory affect

MM uses Li ion (Samaung 18650 25R cells), Storing batteries at 100% SOC for long time is not a good idea(See table 2) batteryuniversity. com/learn/article/how_to_store_batteries.How to store Li ion batteryuniversity. com/learn/article/do_and_dont_battery_table
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Hong Kong

In order to better maintain the drone battery, we need to do the following aspects.

1. Please discharge the battery to 40-65% of its capacity if the drone does not use more than 10 days.
2. Avoid the battery to enter an over-discharge state and do not store them after completely discharged for a long time.
3. Please take the battery out of the drone if you need to store them for a long time.

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