Flight distance : 853110 ft
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Hi everyone, I have mavic mini and it is my second, but first "real-deal" drone, so I am a bit of a newbie...
Anyway I've read alot about battery maintenance: how it should newer be left discharged or fully charged for longer periods, how we should avoid discharging often below 20%, about calibration ect, about storage capacity... But no one really explained how do you get to storrage capacity, at what battery level do you land your drone....So I still have few questions that bugg me so if there is someone experienced and patient for these detailed questions, I would like to hear your oppinions:
1) If I used my drone and batteries are down to 30% and I'm not gonna use it for maybe 5-7 days should I charge them to storage capacity or they can be left on 30%
(I know DJI suggests charging to storage capacity if not used for 10 and more days but what about less, as mentioned above ?
2) How do you get to storage capacity ??? If i fly my drone to 30% battery, Is it OK to charge them untill third led starts flashing on the charger? I want to save as many as possible charge cycles...charging them to 100% and then discharging to 50% seems like huge waste of time and cycles
3) Is landing at 30% to soon or a good thing, or is it ok to discharge to 20%
4) And in general can you explain "how" do you folks charge your batteries? , how often? , at what battery percentage do you land you drone and how soon do you charge?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english 