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Upgrade to Mavic Mini?
2177 14 2019-12-30
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Flight distance : 1479610 ft

I have a Phantom 3 Standard and want to know is it worthwhile to sell mine to buy a mini fly more combo. All my footage is shot in D-Log, and it can fly in pretty windy conditions. Is the mini a worthwhile investment, and how well does it handle the wind?
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Flight distance : 1479610 ft

Upgrade to Mavic Mini?

I have a Phantom 3 Standard and want to know is
it worthwhile to sell mine to buy a Mini fly more
combo. All my footage is shot in D-Log, and it can
fly in pretty windy conditions. Is the Mini a
worthwhile investment, and how well does it
handle the wind?
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Flight distance : 4130922 ft

Have you checked out reviews of the MM? There's plenty of reviews on youtube that show how well it handles the wind. The MM has a max speed of 29 MPH while the P3S has a max speed of 35 MPH, so the P3S will be able to handle more wind. The only video settings you can change on the MM are the resolution, fps and EV. All other settings are baked in. No profiles like D-Log to choose from. At the moment, you're also unable to fly in Blue Authorization zones. I guess it depends on how important portability is for you and if you're willing to compromise on the video settings. The MM is so small I keep it and the remote in my camera bag along with my DSLR and an extra lens.
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Flight distance : 1193133 ft

No no and one more time no. The DJI FLY application is disgusting, it is likely that your phone will not work. If I had the option to choose, I would take Spark again. DJI Mavic Mini is an extremely unsuccessful experiment
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Flight distance : 4130922 ft

If you do research, and know what you're getting into, then it really isn't as bad as a lot of people would say. Make sure to check that your phone is compatible, if you know anyone with a MM , I'd see if you can try it out, maybe even test and see if your phone works with it. I do understand why a lot of people are disappointed, especially with the compatibility issues.
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Flight distance : 36929 ft
United Kingdom

Berhatz Posted at 12-30 04:32
No no and one more time no. The DJI FLY application is disgusting, it is likely that your phone will not work. If I had the option to choose, I would take Spark again. DJI Mavic Mini is an extremely unsuccessful experiment

This seems a bit off.  A disappointment to your perhaps.  However "it's likely your phone will not work" is misleading.  If they have one of the many hugely popular models then it'll work.  And for beginners the drone is a great gadget
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 889823 ft
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United Kingdom

It looks like you have done some research as you mention that you fly in wind conditions and you ask about the wind capability.  I had the P3 Standard a few years ago and if you just use the drone for flying and video editing for the fun of it, then to me you will enjoy the Mavic Mini better as it is a much newer and more fun and more convenient bit of kit.  I wouldn't go back to the P3 standard now having owned and flown all of the other crafts myself.
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United States

Do not buy this POS. I sold my P3 and got this. Sending it back. I want my P3 back. The Fly app is horrible. I don't think DJI will admit they made a mistake with the app. I could not even fly in my back yard due to being in a blue zone. They could of fixed that a month ago but NO........ My friend is waiting for his Skydio 2 and I may get that one.
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Flight distance : 36929 ft
United Kingdom

fans40b390e7 Posted at 12-30 06:06
Do not buy this POS. I sold my P3 and got this. Sending it back. I want my P3 back. The Fly app is horrible. I don't think DJI will admit they made a mistake with the app. I could not even fly in my back yard due to being in a blue zone. They could of fixed that a month ago but NO........ My friend is waiting for his Skydio 2 and I may get that one.

But again that doesn't make the drone a POS or the app bad. Other than the fact it is admittedly missing a key feature for many.  Outside of that, the app performs well as does the drone.  
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : ****
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United States

At this time stick with you P3 for a while longer. I bought the MM based on it's small size to use when I travel and as a 2nd drone.  Once they upgrade the Fly App most complaints should minimize.  My only reservation is it is a non-windy day flyer. Small motors just can't fight above average winds.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 439915 ft

It does handle wind Ok in sports mode and preferably manually.
Making a RTH with winds can make the return extremely slow or not even possible and "fly away".
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DJI Stephen

Hello and good day. Thank you for choosing DJI and for the inquiry. I hope that you will get the best information and recommendation from our valued DJI co pilots with regards to this matter. In addition, the DJI Mavic Mini has a Max Wind Speed Resistance of 8 m/s (Scale 4). For reference I will be posting a link where in you can check the overview, specifications and frequently asked questions for the DJI Mavic Mini. Thank you and Happy New Year.
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Second Officer
United States

DJI Mavic Mini Specs
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R&L Aerial photography
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

The mini can handle wind better than most other DJI quads because of its small stature, I had my mini out yesterday in crazy high wind and although it struggled it did a great job of holding it position.. when I flew back to the home point it was into the wind and only had a head speed of 2 miles an hour..
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Flight distance : 1479610 ft

HomePoint Posted at 2019-12-30 05:50
It looks like you have done some research as you mention that you fly in wind conditions and you ask about the wind capability.  I had the P3 Standard a few years ago and if you just use the drone for flying and video editing for the fun of it, then to me you will enjoy the Mavic Mini better as it is a much newer and more fun and more convenient bit of kit.  I wouldn't go back to the P3 standard now having owned and flown all of the other crafts myself.

Would the Mavic Mini replace the P3S? I would be selling the P3S to buy the Mini
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