Winner announcement!!
The First Prize: Photographer: RobSkyHigh Thread: The Seasons of Utah #My2019Highlight -
The Second Prize: - Photographer: DrekkoThread: Best footage of my Mavic 2 Pro - Australia - 4k #My2019Highlight Link: - Photographer: Mauro Pagliai Thread: #My2019Highlight - Just Mini!
The Third Prize: - Photographer: KonstantineThread: Amsterdam: Old and the New. OSMO POCKET #my2019highlight - Photographer: Paride MusciThread: Amsterdam: #My2019Highlight - My best Mavic 2 pro shoots in Switzerland - Photographer: lucacornago Thread: Amsterdam: #My2019Highlight - My Paradise
Although a 2020 is here, the past year has given countless unforgettable moments. Maybe it was a single instant, or perhaps a collection of incredible memories. We would love for you to share your highlights of 2019. Who knows, you can even win a new Mavic Mini, Osmo Pocket, or Osmo Mobile 3! Rules: 1. In the DJI Forum, post a new thread in the “Events” section. The thread title must include the tag #My2019Highlight to be eligible for the contest; 2. Share photos or video captured on a drone or handheld camera. The majority of footage must be captured by a DJI product; 3. In your submission, you must describe your work and explain what DJI product(s) you used; 4. Content that includes tips for aerial and handheld photography or post-processing will increase your chances of winning; 5. The contest is open to anyone, and any DJI product can be used in making your content. How to Enter: 1. Enter, and log in with your DJI account, or create a new one; 2. In the top menu, click “Events” and then “New Thread;” 3. Under “Select a topic type” choose “My 2019 Highlight;” 4. Create an interesting title that includes the hashtag #My2019Highlight in the beginning; 5. Write a description of your work and explain what DJI product(s) you used; 6. Embed or upload your photos or video into the post, and submit; 7. To stimulate discussion, be sure to respond to user comments in the thread. Sharing tips, tricks, and any advice is great for the community! Deadline: Submissions will be accepted until 23:59 on Feb 3, 2020 (UTC+8). Additional Guidelines: 1. Award-winning submissions from previous forum contests are not eligible; 2. Contestants must guarantee the authenticity and originality of all submissions. Watermarks can be added, but this may decrease the submission's chance of winning. Any submissions containing counterfeit or pirated content will result in the immediate disqualification of the contestant, and they will be held liable for any consequences that result from their submission; 3. Contestants are welcome to make submissions featuring a variety of content, but submitted works must not contain obscene or violent content or content that violates any local laws and regulations; 4. Contestants capturing content with UAV-based aerial photography platforms should fly their aircraft safely and in accordance with all relevant local laws and regulations; 5. DJI has the right to use submitted content on DJI's media channels, including but not limited to the official DJI website, DJI Store, and DJI Forum. Prizes: First Prize (1 winner): One Mavic Mini Fly More Combo Second Prize (2 winners): One Osmo Pocket Third Prize (3 winners): One Osmo Mobile 3