Position indicator
1979 18 2020-1-23
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Bright Spark
Second Officer
Flight distance : 22129 ft
United Kingdom

Not too impressed with  monsieur mini today.
Very close in around 100 ft up and away, when suddenly position indicator icon jumped 90% west. Still pointing at me , but losing faith fast!
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United States

Were you near anything that could have created a magnetic interference? Perhaps power lines or water tower or anything metal?  The position indicator from my experience is quite sensitive.

I have two launch areas that I wouldn't have thought would create a position indicator issue but they do.

1.)  Tried to launch from the ground about 6 feet in front of my truck but the indicator was off. Moved the MM farther away, re-calibrated the compass and all was fine.

2.) This one really surprised me: I have a wood deck with metal screws to secure the deck. Move the MM out on the grass on a take off pad and all is fine.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1063107 ft
United States

Are you standing next to anything metal, sitting in a car, standing next to a pole? Rotate the controller with the phone attached in a 360° fashion to reset your devices compass, I've found on my s9 this fixes the orientation every time. I've been wanting to make a video about this but it's been to windy to demo.
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Bright Spark
Second Officer
Flight distance : 22129 ft
United Kingdom

ABeardedItalian Posted at 1-23 08:50
Are you standing next to anything metal, sitting in a car, standing next to a pole? Rotate the controller with the phone attached in a 360° fashion to reset your devices compass, I've found on my s9 this fixes the orientation every time. I've been wanting to make a video about this but it's been to windy to demo.

I’ll try it. Not next to any known problems and have flown here many times.
Bit unnerving, since it may be phone confused, or drone !
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused. With regards to this concern. May I know the model of the mobile device that you are using when you are experiencing this issue? Please try flying the drone on a different location with less interference like metal, power lines and radio towers to isolate the issue. Please keep us posted for further assistance. Thank you.
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Bright Spark
Second Officer
Flight distance : 22129 ft
United Kingdom

DJI Paladin Posted at 1-23 10:07
Hi. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused. With regards to this concern. May I know the model of the mobile device that you are using when you are experiencing this issue? Please try flying the drone on a different location with less interference like metal, power lines and radio towers to isolate the issue. Please keep us posted for further assistance. Thank you.

Phone is Xiaomi mi 9 se., bought new for the 64 bit app.
Have flown here several times without problem
What concerns me is that this is since the last  firmware update, after which it prompted me to recalibrate compass. I see no reason for that.
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United States

You mentioned it prompted you to re-calibrate the compass, did you?
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Bright Spark
Second Officer
Flight distance : 22129 ft
United Kingdom

pnwflier Posted at 1-23 10:23
You mentioned it prompted you to re-calibrate the compass, did you?

Yes I did, but I  why it prompted me is odd  to me.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Bright Spark Posted at 1-23 10:12
Phone is Xiaomi mi 9 se., bought new for the 64 bit app.
Have flown here several times without problem
What concerns me is that this is since the last  firmware update, after which it prompted me to recalibrate compass. I see no reason for that.

Hi. Thank you for the additional information. With regards to this query. If the notification is about compass calibration it means there is a deviation detected in the compass that needs to be corrected. Please calibrate the compass of your DJI Mavic Mini and the mobile device to check if issue still persists. Please keep us posted for further assistance. Thank you.
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No need to lose confidence.
Your issue has nothing to do with the drone and there's no need to interfere with its compass.
The problem is that the compass in your phone is not giving good directional information.
It might be the phone itself or the electromagnetic interference from the controller affecting the phone's compass.

Try recalibrating the phone's compass with the phone in the (powered on) controller if you want to do something about the real issue.
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Bright Spark
Second Officer
Flight distance : 22129 ft
United Kingdom

Dirty Bird Posted at 1-23 18:00
The orientation display is based on the compass in your device, NOT the Mini.  The distance & aircraft heading comes from the Mini.  If the relative position is off the problem is with your device compass.

I accept that, but it’s a concern to me after the posting where the author was good enough to publish a screen recording of the problem such as I suffered when total loss of control occurred immediately afterwards.
Not a direct result?
I’ll  never know.
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Dirty Bird Posted at 1-23 18:00
The orientation display is based on the compass in your device, NOT the Mini.  The distance & aircraft heading comes from the Mini.  If the relative position is off the problem is with your device compass.

Hi DB,

to be more precise ; the heading of the white arrow in the ac orientation is from the drone compass, the postion of the arrow projected in the half 180 circle is form the mobile device compass.

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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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Bright Spark Posted at 1-23 23:36
I accept that, but it’s a concern to me after the posting where the author was good enough to publish a screen recording of the problem such as I suffered when total loss of control occurred immediately afterwards.
Not a direct result?
I’ll  never know.

It has nothing at all to do with losing connection.
What you are talking about was NOT a direct result.
It's just the compass in your phone affected by magnetic interference close by and as a result not displaying the direction correctly.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

Position indicator is almost entirely dependent on the phone I believe, not the MM.
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Bright Spark
Second Officer
Flight distance : 22129 ft
United Kingdom

m80116 Posted at 1-24 00:20
Position indicator is almost entirely dependent on the phone I believe, not the MM.

Thanks to you all.
I’m relieved it’s the phone compass.
I just inspected it, and it described itself as medium accuracy.
So I did the dance and it then showed. “Accuracy High”
I shan’t ask how it knows!!
Thanks again.
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Flight distance : 13811834 ft
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m80116 Posted at 1-24 00:20
Position indicator is almost entirely dependent on the phone I believe, not the MM.

nope, easy to test....

Fly craft 100 meters forward of your postion.

a) yaw craft left and right > see white arrow yaws as well :  info from drone. (but arrow same postion on the scale)
b) yaw yourself (RC) left and right > see arrow postion move along the 180 scale: info for compass mob device *

* craft position is set to the scale of the AO indicator, scale gets info from mob device.


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Bright Spark
Second Officer
Flight distance : 22129 ft
United Kingdom

OK thanks. I will  check it out .
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

JJB* Posted at 1-24 02:23
nope, easy to test....

Fly craft 100 meters forward of your postion.

I meant the heading indication relative to RC, not AC heading. I've written something that didn't reflect what I wanted to say.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13811834 ft
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m80116 Posted at 1-24 11:09
I meant the heading indication relative to RC, not AC heading. I've written something that didn't reflect what I wanted to say.

uh, oke   

ac heading = arrow pointing to = compass data drone,
ac position on the upper 180 degree scale - mob device compass info

if you mean this than we agree  ;-)

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