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RC not connected to mobile TIPS ?
23204 33 2020-2-3
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Flight distance : 853110 ft
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sometimes I get "RC not conected to mobile device" (or something similar to that), First I thought its cable or RC problem, but with playing around I have found that corect order of connecting and turning on stuff avoids that error (worked few times for me)Since the weather has been bad and I didn't want to push my luck in cold temps and rainy weather I didn't have a lot of chances to fly and I keep forgetting the winning combination

I don't remember if it's better to turn on remote and mini, conect RC to smartphone and then launch DJI FLY or first launch APP and then connect RC ? Or something else ?
Did anyone else experience things like this ?

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Flight distance : 92457 ft

I would also like to know that, first time I turned on the remote then drone, new firmware was out and it would just give me error on 42%. I had to manually update each one using PC. Now I usually turn on drone first and then a remote while the app is already running.
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Dmitry Vishnevskiy
Flight distance : 588635 ft

I had this with the original cable when the phone (iphone 6s+) was in a case. I changed the cable to a third-party
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Flight distance : 79 ft

United Kingdom

Mavic pro zoom
Problem connecting to remote from phone. Telling me to connect USB when already connected
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

Should you ever get an AC not connected to RC try to unplug and replug the USB cable. It worked every time for me, fixing the issue while in flight.

For my testing it isn't a cable problem, or mobile device problem. A user on this forum has had his RC replaced and the second does exactly like the first.

So it's not a defect, software or RC firmware need to improve if an hardware correction is not required.
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DJI Gamora

Hi, thank you for reaching out. The normal process on turning on the unit is to turn on first the drone then the RC, connect your mobile device to your RC and run the application. Also, hope that you could get the best recommendation from our fellow DJI members here in Forum. Please don't hesitate to reach us if you have other inquiries or concerns. Thank you for your support!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
  • >>>
United States

Another user here has noted that it can be best to start the drone first in order to get a little more time to acquire satellites.
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Flight distance : 160896 ft

I has same issue here. Yesterday my mavic air 2 is coming, before that im using mavic mini. I try it, and it's works no have any issue. Now im uninstall dji mavic fly (accident uninstall), then i download again from google store the apps, but now the issue is rc not connected to mobile device, im using usb type C, i try plug in and unplug, but the results is same. Any idea.what trouble it's is?
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What a mess ,new mavic air 2 at first evething did work well (had connection on my Ipad) ,the day after on the airfield could not get connection between RC and Ipad?? Connection between AC and RC seem ok since
lights on AC is blinking green! Any advice is more than welcome,thanks.
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hello, yes I have issue connecting rc with my IPad! First day while setting up everything it was fine but second day no connection between rc and Ipad!  very annoying
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Flight distance : 16936 ft

Hello guys, i still same issue from the first time i flied on june 20, but it geeting worst and notice for Ac not connected to Phone aways happen after i follow to update software and firmware.
Please help if some one or dji can have solution for this, due to this make worst for our video recording.
Thanks guys an waiting a solution
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Flight distance : 6719 ft
United States

DJI Gamora Posted at 2-5 10:01
Hi, thank you for reaching out. The normal process on turning on the unit is to turn on first the drone then the RC, connect your mobile device to your RC and run the application. Also, hope that you could get the best recommendation from our fellow DJI members here in Forum. Please don't hesitate to reach us if you have other inquiries or concerns. Thank you for your support!

I need help.  I have 2 brand new mavic minis 2.  I cant get any of them to pair.  I was able to update the firmware on the RC but the aircraft didnt show anything when i connected to dji assist 2 (consumer).  It didnt show its current firmware or offer update but acknowledged the connection.  I wanted help before returning them too late
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DJI Gamora

djiuser_SAI1lGYUQpHo Posted at 12-26 08:59
I need help.  I have 2 brand new mavic minis 2.  I cant get any of them to pair.  I was able to update the firmware on the RC but the aircraft didnt show anything when i connected to dji assist 2 (consumer).  It didnt show its current firmware or offer update but acknowledged the connection.  I wanted help before returning them too late

Hi, djiuser_SAI1lGYUQpHo. Sorry to read about the difficulties you're encountering. The aircraft firmware can only be updated thru the DJI Fly application. We suggest to connect them again and wait until a prompt appears to update the latest version. Please make sure that the DJI Fly is updated also. If the prompt didn't appear, please go to the About menu and check whether an update is readily available.
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Flight distance : 6719 ft
United States

DJI Gamora Posted at 12-26 23:20
Hi, djiuser_SAI1lGYUQpHo. Sorry to read about the difficulties you're encountering. The aircraft firmware can only be updated thru the DJI Fly application. We suggest to connect them again and wait until a prompt appears to update the latest version. Please make sure that the DJI Fly is updated also. If the prompt didn't appear, please go to the About menu and check whether an update is readily available.

I will try this again right now.  The dji fly app is current.  Going in to the menu on the app offers no options to click on because its not connected to aircraft.  How can the aircraft offer options if its not connected?  Thank you for a quick response.
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Flight distance : 6719 ft
United States

DJI Gamora Posted at 12-26 23:20
Hi, djiuser_SAI1lGYUQpHo. Sorry to read about the difficulties you're encountering. The aircraft firmware can only be updated thru the DJI Fly application. We suggest to connect them again and wait until a prompt appears to update the latest version. Please make sure that the DJI Fly is updated also. If the prompt didn't appear, please go to the About menu and check whether an update is readily available.
The craft and rc and phone all made a connection!  It updated the craft firmware, the rc has been updated via dj assist 2.  I got to the part where the app offered me the care fresh package letting me know i have 48 hours.  I didnt purchase care fresh as i plan to get inusrance once im able to activate it.  I declined the offer by hitting the camera view where it let me know the RC and mobile device not connected.  Its unfortunate to receive 2 brand new mini 2 and both need too much support that isnt readily available.  I dont want this expensive product sitting at my house for long.  I feel very uncomfortable, frustrated, sad to return.
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Flight distance : 132877 ft

Hi i had same problem. try pushing your cable in your phone and hold it there with your finger. worked for me. the cable just doesnt make contact properly. push it in deeper. or try a different cable. or phone. Just finishe cleaning out my phones usb-c connection with a toothpick..... you wont believe how much crap gets stuck in there. connects like perfect now.
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Flight distance : 132877 ft

djiuser_SAI1lGYUQpHo Posted at 2020-12-27 09:39
The craft and rc and phone all made a connection!  It updated the craft firmware, the rc has been updated via dj assist 2.  I got to the part where the app offered me the care fresh package letting me know i have 48 hours.  I didnt purchase care fresh as i plan to get inusrance once im able to activate it.  I declined the offer by hitting the camera view where it let me know the RC and mobile device not connected.  Its unfortunate to receive 2 brand new mini 2 and both need too much support that isnt readily available.  I dont want this expensive product sitting at my house for long.  I feel very uncomfortable, frustrated, sad to return.

Hi have you seen my post and tried cleaning out your phones connection?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 359705 ft
New Zealand

I have been running DJI Fly, Litchi and Dronelink one after the other with not a lot of success in reliably getting them to connect. I think I have sorted it now. Even if you only use DJI Fly I would do this also. Hasn't failed me yet...

It seems even a hint of DJI Fly or any of the apps still running on your phone could cause issues.

1. Keep controller and phone connected
2. Assuming you have DJI Fly running or have done (I generally always have to open first as I'm within 4km from an airport so in a NFZ so need to get authorisation first) but I would do this from 3. everytime regardless.
3. Close all apps using the Square icon (Recent Apps) in Android
4. Then I run an app called "Force Stop Apps" it basically stops all apps. Chances are if you have previously run DJI Fly and closed it, it will still be "on" in the background. When I did this the first time I had about 60 apps still operating in the background.
5. Then either pull out your remote cable and put it back in (or go to settings / connections / mobile hotspot and tethering, hit the USB tethering switch - it kind of toggles back to where it is)
6. This will launch the USB selection menu and ask you to select DJI Fly / Litchi / Dronelink (if on your phone) just choose DJI Fly using "Only once"
7. That menu will close and DJI should launch as connected.
8. Go back to 3 to launch any of the other drone software if using

Has worked flawlessly for me since I started clearing out the apps like that.

Good luck!
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United Kingdom

Rc not connected to mobile device for Samsung phone drove me mad as it used to work but then refused, for weeks. I tried every solution I could find out there. It would connect to iphones just not my Samsung no matter what. SOLUTION: USB C thorough clean. It was not enough to just clean out the lint with a toothpick or whatever (I did that to no avail first), the contacts had also to be cleaned with a solvent (I suggest pure cleaning alcohol as otherwise there's a real risk of a short, don't use more than a drop and also turn your phone off and make sure it's properly dry before switching back on!!). I admit I didn't have that so I dipped a wooden toothpick in vodka, but it worked! Hope it works for some of you too. Happy flying
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Flight distance : 35686 ft
United States

See my post about connection issues with Android 10.
my post
I am not sure, but it seems odd to me that of the phones I tried there were 2 differences. 1st I tried the GS20U and then the GS9. Both are running AOS10 with a USB-C port and both didn't connect ever. Then I tried my GS7 running AOS9 and with a micro USB port. it works flawlessly.
So, I was wondering if it was the ports, but research seems to verify it's the OS.
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Hi, i am having issues with my mini 2 when connecting my Samsung S10 to the RC using the USB c cable it will not connect, Also when the s10 is plugged in to the RC and the RC is turned on, it will constantly prompt the charging notification on and off on my phone.  I have tested this on an S9 and all works as expected. Any ideas why this is happening on my S10 only?
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Flight distance : 42415 ft
United States

GaryDoug Posted at 2020-2-5 15:11
Another user here has noted that it can be best to start the drone first in order to get a little more time to acquire satellites.

Gary is there a way I can pm you. The personal message below your avatar will not work.
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Flight distance : 35686 ft
United States

djiuser_WI4i1JMKR85P Posted at 1-4 15:13
Hi, i am having issues with my mini 2 when connecting my Samsung S10 to the RC using the USB c cable it will not connect, Also when the s10 is plugged in to the RC and the RC is turned on, it will constantly prompt the charging notification on and off on my phone.  I have tested this on an S9 and all works as expected. Any ideas why this is happening on my S10 only?

does your s9 have Android 10? because mine does and it won't work
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egadgetguy Posted at 1-7 07:50
does your s9 have Android 10? because mine does and it won't work

Yeah android 10 on the S9. I tried a new cable i bought on amazon with the s10 and it seems work so far so finger's crossed.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

I've only found out recently beyond the obvious OTG cable fault (beware USB ports and cables are not of the very finest quality) there's also a software glitch.

WORKAROUND ( RC not connected to MD)
Should you stumble upon the RC not connected to MD because of this software glitch my solution (works every time) to make stuff happen again is to go in the Android top curtain menu and select USB Options >> external Device controlling the USB connection. The system (in my case run on SGS9+) commutates automatically back to the System controlling the connection as it needs to be, in my case opens the Fly app again and voilà perfect connection and video feedback view. Basically it resets the connection wihtout removing the cable (thus avoiding to stress out even more the already wimpy quality USB ports and cables).
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I also had issues with my Samsung Galaxy S10 and received the messages RC not connected to mobile device.

My phone was also charging slower.
Therefore, I had my usb-c charging port replaced (€59).
Now it works like a charm!
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Please somebody to help me my dro

ne min 2 rc not connecting
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DJI Neon Orange
Second Officer
Flight distance : 2429462 ft
United States

Hi, Yes. I just experienced that today, and yesterday, and the day before that! This is not just a one off issue. Too many people have been complaining about this very issue. It's a brand new drone! With as many people that have had this issue, I've still not seen a definitive answer on what is causing this.
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Flight distance : 41276 ft
  • >>>
United States

DJI Gamora Posted at 2020-2-5 10:01
Hi, thank you for reaching out. The normal process on turning on the unit is to turn on first the drone then the RC, connect your mobile device to your RC and run the application. Also, hope that you could get the best recommendation from our fellow DJI members here in Forum. Please don't hesitate to reach us if you have other inquiries or concerns. Thank you for your support!

I have the FPV Drone , am not including a photo at this time. Everything seems to work except for the red box on Android phone app.  There in a red box , the words RC not connected appear. Please advise.
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United States

Sitting here on a photo shoot and can't get this POS to turn on and connect.

Worked fine before I left, won't connect at all. Tried 3 cables and turned off and on a ton.

This is not at all what I expected from agent 4+ device. Super angry and ready to throw this thing into the ravene
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Flight distance : 906 ft
United Kingdom

djiuser_Zam3Tgl4odYp Posted at 2021-10-6 07:50
Sitting here on a photo shoot and can't get this POS to turn on and connect.

Worked fine before I left, won't connect at all. Tried 3 cables and turned off and on a ton.

Same experience. Have been recommending to people that they get an Autel Nano. DJI has some serious QC and firm/software issues. So many people with the same problem equals fundamental problems. Have spent three days and 42 connect attempts and will probably trash this Mini 2.
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Having issues with connection, Rc cannot to mobile

Can't even work since morning,
Pls I need help wht can I do
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


djiuser_ahLfGgtKeEvT Posted at 9-22 04:43
Having issues with connection, Rc cannot to mobile

Can't even work since morning,

Hi there. Thank you for reaching out and we do apologize for the trouble. Kindly please confirm what specific DJI product are you using and also what mobile device you use to run the DJI fly app. Please let us know so we can provide you with an accurate resolution. Thank you for your understanding.
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Andrei Bortnikau

Same. I have Air2s. My RC not connected to my iphone X. I tried several smartphones and several cables. Doesn't connect. I had the same problem a few months ago. But one day I was able to connect . I immediately updated the controller and had no more problems. More precisely, I have problems. Sometimes the controller would not connect to the smartphone. I rebooted the controller and used. But now - no way. And my observations. When I turn on the controller, I hear a characteristic turn-on sound. After a second, the controller turns off itself. Then after a second it turns on itself. I again hear the characteristic sound of switching on. Support told me to send the controller to them. It's expensive for me. And for a long time. I see a lot of the same problems on this forum. It's outrageous.
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