Second Officer
The commit messge for the SDK code seems to point to the fact that the EP and S1 are, indeed, different products. I atill hope the S1 can be " upgraded to EP.
RoboMaster Developer Guide V0.1.0 released
1. Add SDK Usage Guide for RoboMaster EP products.
2. Add Python API Reference for RoboMaster S1 and EP products.
3. Add Expansion Module Usage for RoboMaster EP products
PLease make sure your robot is at the following version and above:
- RoboMaster S1: V00.05.00.00
- RoboMaster EP: V01.00.00.00
We are committed to creating a robot with the most educational significance,
giving simple and powerful programming functions, and providing complete programming
documentation, example code display, open source code of excellent works, etc.
to help everyone grow together. Now, this is only the first step We still have a
long way to go. 
If you have any questions, suggestions and comments about this document, please
feel free to feedback to us and we will reply you in time.
Finally, thank guys(adam.guo, sirrine.lin, lance.cheng, luke.zhu,
for contributing to these document and code.