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P4 - Don't Connect to Cell Phone
2751 5 2020-3-5
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Flight distance : 1276 ft


[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]I have a Phantom 4, which I use very little, most of the time I just start to update it.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]The remote control is the GL300C model.

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]I have a problem which I still haven't found a solution here on the forum.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]My P4 connects to the controller perfectly (all green lights) and I can pilot it without using a screen, however when I connect the cell phone via cable it appears disconnected, it only charges the cell phone.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]This never happened and I have always been able to fly with a cell phone or with my FAT SHARK, but now it no longer connects to the cell phone or FAT SHARK, or to other cell phones.

Eu tenho um Phantom 4, o qual uso muito pouco, na maioria das vezes ligo apenas para atualiza-lo. O controle remoto é o modelo GL300C.

Estou com um problema o qual ainda não achei solução aqui no forum. Meu P4 se conecta com o controle perfeitamente (todas as luzes verdes) e eu consigo pilota-lo sem a utilização de uma tela, porém quando conecto o celular via cabo aparece desconectado, apenas carrega o celular. Isso nunca ocorreu e sempre pude voar com celular ou com o meu FAT SHARK, porém agora ele não mais se conecta mais ao celular nem ao FAT SHARK, nem a outros telefones celulares.

[url=]Picture 01 showing all green lights:[/url]

Imagem 01 mostrando todas as luzes verdes:
Foto Drone 2020 metade.png
Picture 02 showing the mobile screen on the DJI GO 4 APP (After P4), without connection:

Imagem 02 mostrando a tela do celular no APP DJI GO 4 (After P4), sem conexão:
2020-03-05 TELA 01 DJIGO PHANTOM.png

Picture 03 showing the mobile screen on the DJI GO 4 APP (After P4), without connection:
Imagem 03 mostrando a tela do celular no APP DJI GO 4 (After P4), sem conexão:

2020-03-05 TELA 02 DJIGO PHANTOM.png

I tried to connect the controller to "DJI Assistant 2 for Phantom", but it gives the following error message (Picture 04):

Tentei conectar o controle no "DJI Assistant 2 for Phantom", porém ele da a seguinte mensagem de erro (imagem 04):
When I connect the drone to "DJI Assistant 2 for Phantom" there is no problem, as you can see in the Picture 05 below:

Quando conecto o drone no "DJI Assistant 2 for Phantom" não aparece nenhum problema, conforme pode visualizar na imagem 05 a seguir:

Note: Batteries 100% charged. I tested it with other cables and other cell phones, including Iphone.
Observação: Baterias 100% carregadas. Testei com outros cabos e outros celulares, incluindo Iphone.

Can someone help me?
Alguém pode me ajudar?


Foto Drone 2020 metade.png
2020-03-05 TELA 01 DJIGO PHANTOM.png
2020-03-05 TELA 02 DJIGO PHANTOM.png
Use props
DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused. With regards to this concern. May I know what is the model of the mobile devices you have used to try to connect to the DJI Phantom 4 remote controller? Is there any physical damage on the port of the said remote controller?  Please keep us posted for further assistance. Thank you.
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Flight distance : 1276 ft

DJI Paladin Posted at 3-6 11:40
Hi. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused. With regards to this concern. May I know what is the model of the mobile devices you have used to try to connect to the DJI Phantom 4 remote controller? Is there any physical damage on the port of the said remote controller?  Please keep us posted for further assistance. Thank you.

Hi Paladin,
Olá Paladin

Thank you for your interest in helping.  I don't think the USB port is damaged. I don't see how it could be possible, that the port be damaged, because as I mentioned, it can be said that I haven't used it 20 times. It charges the cell phone battery.

Obrigado pelo seu interesse em ajudar. Não acho que a porta USB está estragada. Não vejo como é possível a porta USB estar estragada, até porque, conforme eu mencionei, eu usei o drone poucas vezes nem 20 vezes. A porta USB carrega normalmente o telefone.

Cell phones that I tested, without success:
Celulares que testei, sem sucesso:

Iphone 6;
Honor 8;
MI 9 Lite;

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Flight distance : 1276 ft

DJI Paladin Posted at 3-6 11:40
Hi. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused. With regards to this concern. May I know what is the model of the mobile devices you have used to try to connect to the DJI Phantom 4 remote controller? Is there any physical damage on the port of the said remote controller?  Please keep us posted for further assistance. Thank you.


To make sure it wasn't the USB port, I decided to do the test and change the module I have (HDMI Output Module), to the module without HDMI.

Pra ter certeza que não era a porta USB, resolvi fazer o teste e trocar o modulo que tenho (HDMI Output Module), para o modulo sem HDMI.

2020-03-07 MODULO USB E MODULO HDMI (menor).png

To my surprise it worked perfectly after the switch.

Para minha surpresa funcionou perfeitamente após a troca.

The curious thing is that I bought this new module and used it only 4 times with my FAT SHARK glasses, 1 time when I bought it, to test it, a second time to show it to my family, a third time to show it to a friend, and once fourth time to show it to my son, after that I used it only on the cell phone screen.

O curioso é que eu comprei este modulo novo e usei apenas 4 vezes com  meu oculos FAT SHARK, sendo 1 vez quando eu comprei, para testar, uma segunda vez para mostrar a meus familiares, uma terceira vez para mostrar a um amigo, e uma quarta vez para mostrar a meu filho, depois disso usei apenas pela tela do celular.

I was not happy and tried to find out what the problem was, so I decided to do the following test: - remove the HDMI card, keeping the USB card from the module and see if it would connect. Yes, it did, that is, the problem is with the HDMI card, which I don't know why is not allowing the cell phone or the computer to recognize the control as a device that uses data. I repeated the test 3 times placing the HDMI card on top of the USB card, testing and then removing and testing. And really I concluded that with the HDMI card of the connected module it doesn't work.

Não fiquei contente e procurei saber qual o problema, decidi então fazer o seguinte teste: - remover a placa HDMI, mantendo a placa USB do modulo e ver se conectaria. Sim, conectou, ou seja, o problema é na placa HDMI, que não sei por qual motivo não está permitindo que o celular ou o computador reconheça o controle como um dispositivo que utiliza dados. Repeti o teste 3 vezes colocando a placa HDMI em cima da placa USB, testando e depois removendo e testando. E realmente eu conclui que com a placa HDMI do modulo conectada não funciona.

2020-03-07 SEM PLACA HDMI - WORK (menor).png

I opened the plastic "copper" cover that covers the HDMI card to try to find any defect, but I couldn't identify anything abnormal.
Abri a tampa "cobreada" plastica que fica tampando a placa HDMI pra tentar achar algum defeito, porém não consegui identificar nada de anormal.
2020-03-07 PLACA HDMI SEM TAMPA COBRE (menor).png 2020-03-07 PLACA HDMI DESMONTADA (menor).png

Any suggestions for me to recover this HDMI card and make it work? Just buying another one? I thought it was very bad that it was a new card, with only 4 uses, already showing a defect like that, it doesn't make any sense ...

Alguma sugestão pra eu recuperar essa placa HDMI e faze-la funcionar? Somente comprando outra? Achei muito ruim o fato de ser uma placa nova, com apenas 4 usos, já apresentar um defeito desse, não faz o menor sentido isso...

Use props
DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


GustavoRAX Posted at 3-6 16:47
Hi Paladin,
Olá Paladin

Hi. I am sorry for the trouble. With regards to this concern. I would recommend for you to contact our DJI support team to start up a ticket at ( ) for further assistance. Please note that the repair cost will depend on the said warranty period of the drone otherwise, valid charges will apply. Again, I am sorry for the trouble. Thank you.
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Flight distance : 686975 ft
United States

Wait a second...  Are you saying that this error was caused by the HDMI module going bad... that it WASN'T A USB Problem?

Is there a way to simply unplug the HDMI and see if this works?   Mine also has the HDMI module... perhaps that's what's giving me problems.
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