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Is it good idea to buy used mavic mini?
9458 35 2020-3-13
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

Hello friends. I’m new person to drones, so far I’m owner of dji osmo pocket. I love this product and really want to buy dji mavic mini fly more combo.

There is a person who want to sell own almost new mavic mini fly more combo with almost 100 $ discount. His mini was activated 26 dec 2019 with 1 year warranty to start from this day. He is telling, that because of windy weather in winter he used it only few times. And now want to sell mini and buy mavic pro instead. Price is really nice, perfect condition on photo. I can go and test it before buying, since it’s just 100 Km away.

My question to mavic owners and forum admins. What would you recommend to test in particularly to make sure it’s item worth buying? I can ask dji support to check on database is serial number belong to original product. But, any ways to see how long this mini was used, how many real flyes or battery cycles it had. And most importantly, if the mini had no crashes etc.

Also, would His warranty will Work for me as second owner with all required documents of original purchase. And can in general I use mavic mini previously registered And activated with account Of another dji user.

Sorry for newbie questions, but it’s really important for me. From one side I don’t want to lose opportunity. And saving 100$ would be really great. From another side, it’s always risky to buy used drone from person you don’t know.

I would be really thankful for any tips
All the best
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Ingo Sundowner
Second Officer
Flight distance : 914012 ft
United Kingdom

A $100 cheaper? This indicates that he's desperate to get rid of it. Only question is why. Check as far as possible, test it by doing all possible manoeuvres and look at your screen for error messages. But use your own mobile?
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Warranty is with the craft so no problem there.
Check condition of craft for scratches etc
Check all batteries
Fly the craft, if it flys well is not listing hovers straight it should be fine.

Should you buy a mini, why not , but remember you need to know it’s limitations be aware you can’t simply fly t in all conditions, if you fly in good conditions and good environment then your in for a treat the camera is fantastic for this size and stability is the usual for dji great.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 168163 ft

Be careful, if you need a new battery they are nowhere to be found.
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Visual Air
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2710115 ft
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For only a savings of a $100 I would rather by new for peace of mind..
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 431873 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 3-13 04:04
Warranty is with the craft so no problem there.
Check condition of craft for scratches etc
Check all batteries

I wonder how often you can actually fly. I mean, you're living nearby the sea.
Do you use your Mini often?

I couldn't fly very often because of too heavy winds and I'm living in the middle of Germany. I own the Mini for 2 months now and could fly 5-6 times so far.
Maybe it's just bad luck with the weather at the moment but it's depressing to be honest.
I can't even improve myself because until I get to the next flying-session I'm already kinda at the beginning with my feeling for the RC and so on.

Edit: Sorry for being off-topic.
As the other people already advised you: Give it some test-flight and carefully check all messages on your Phone in the App and everything should be fine.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 5161677 ft

Mizzu Posted at 3-13 05:16
I wonder how often you can actually fly. I mean, you're living nearby the sea.
Do you use your Mini often?

Maybe it's just bad luck with the weather at the moment but it's depressing to be hones

Totally understand, it is the same here...
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

I wouldn't mind buying used as long as I can be covered through some insurance policy (eBay customer protection is OK) or test the product.
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

Ingo Sundowner Posted at 3-13 01:20
A $100 cheaper? This indicates that he's desperate to get rid of it. Only question is why. Check as far as possible, test it by doing all possible manoeuvres and look at your screen for error messages. But use your own mobile?

Thank you for your tip. It`s actually 50$ discount, and 50$ is the price difference in local currency. Since december 2019 we have significant changes to usd exchange price. It used to be 23 uah per 1 usd. Right now 27ush per 1 usd. So price in local currency in December was actually cheaper. So, it sound like good deal, but need to be tested well :-)
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 3-13 04:04
Warranty is with the craft so no problem there.
Check condition of craft for scratches etc
Check all batteries

Thank you for tips! Great to know that warranty connected to aircraft, not username :-)
I`ll do my best to test this unit.

No legal limitation in my area, even with big drones. But, of course i need use it with proper weather.
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

Renato61 Posted at 3-13 04:19
Be careful, if you need a new battery they are nowhere to be found.

Thank you for your tip.
Actually Fly More Combo has 3 batteries. About 25min to fly with each. I think it should be more then enough with ability extra chagre from power bank.

Anyways, we already have official distributors and it`s quite easy to buy a new battery for mavic mini.
Just if i would buy separatedly, they would cost more expensive, then you buy with fly more combo package.
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

Visual Air Posted at 3-13 04:59
For only a savings of a $100 I would rather by new for peace of mind..

You are correct. I would prefer to buy a new one, but saving 100$ is also quite good deal.
Unfortunately, here in Ukraine because of extra VAT and extra price from official DJI distrubutors price of new DJI mavic mini about 600$ in local shops. Instead of 500$ if you order with official official website, like you can do living in Canada. Also, DJI don`t send drones directly to Ukraine.

Average salery in Ukraine about 300$, and you know that average salery in Canada much higher.
But, considering prices for DJI products in our local shops it looks like Ukraine should have higher standarts of living :-) Such unfair world.
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

Mizzu Posted at 3-13 05:16
I wonder how often you can actually fly. I mean, you're living nearby the sea.
Do you use your Mini often?

Thank you for your tips. Yes, weather condition in winter is quite hard for mavic mini. Me and Seller, we both live near Azov Sea with lot of fields around. And it would be some lucky days to use it in winter.

But, i mostly need to use drone in end of spring, summer periond. This days we have about 50% of good weater. So, wind should not be a big problem.

Thanks, sure, I`ll do required test fly with my own iphone.
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

Mizzu Posted at 3-13 05:16
I wonder how often you can actually fly. I mean, you're living nearby the sea.
Do you use your Mini often?

Thank you for your tips. Yes, weather condition in winter is quite hard for mavic mini. Me and Seller, we both live near Azov Sea with lot of fields around. And it would be some lucky days to use it in winter.

But, i mostly need to use drone in end of spring, summer periond. This days we have about 50% of good weater. So, wind should not be a big problem.

Thanks, sure, I`ll do required test fly with my own iphone.
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

m80116 Posted at 3-13 06:06
I wouldn't mind buying used as long as I can be covered through some insurance policy (eBay customer protection is OK) or test the product.

Thank you for your tip. Sure, I`m going to make sure it has valid insurance.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Mizzu Posted at 3-13 05:16
I wonder how often you can actually fly. I mean, you're living nearby the sea.
Do you use your Mini often?

I’ve flown it a good bit pre Christmas, but last 6 weeks nothing because of storms. I live right on the Sea, wind and storms usually concur with tides so often on full tide or low tide you have periods of calm , I have had it in UK and Sweden and back in Sweden now so hoping to use it this week.

To the OP, my gut tells me for 25% discount if in good condition it’s good value.
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DJI Stephen

Hello and good day Dmytro. Thank you for reaching out and for sharing these information with us. In buying a used DJI Mavic Mini. Please check the drone for stress marks, and scratches on the camera lens. Just a friendly reminder to check the aircraft if it is on the latest firmware then you can do as well the calibration starting from the Gimbal, IMU and Compass just to make sure it's all working good. In addition you may send me the serial number of the said drone through PM for me to be able to check the activation date of the DJI Mavic Mini. Thank you for your valued support.
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Visual Air
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2710115 ft
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Dmytro Petrov Posted at 3-13 06:54
You are correct. I would prefer to buy a new one, but saving 100$ is also quite good deal.
Unfortunately, here in Ukraine because of extra VAT and extra price from official DJI distrubutors price of new DJI mavic mini about 600$ in local shops. Instead of 500$ if you order with official official website, like you can do living in Canada. Also, DJI don`t send drones directly to Ukraine.

I agree it is unfair. I feel your pain when I compare Canadian dollars to US dollars the exchange really hurts.
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Flight distance : 319885 ft
United States

I have a mini I’ll sell for 300
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

djiuser_odEGWmZLVdYN Posted at 3-13 11:09
I have a mini I’ll sell for 300

Thanks for a nice offer. Someone will be luck to get one.

Unfortunately, version of mavic mini for North Amarica = FCC. For Europe = CE version. They use different frequancy and i believe american version is illegal in my country.

I was condering to buy on Ebay even registered US mailing address in Tax Free state. It`s only 8 usd per 1 kg/2 pounds to deliver goods from USA to Ukraine. very cheap. But, all mailing companies I contacted refused to deliver drone from USA. Something connected with strict regulation of batteries via airmail.
And it was before situation with coronavirus.
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

DJI Stephen Posted at 3-13 07:55
Hello and good day Dmytro. Thank you for reaching out and for sharing these information with us. In buying a used DJI Mavic Mini. Please check the drone for stress marks, and scratches on the camera lens. Just a friendly reminder to check the aircraft if it is on the latest firmware then you can do as well the calibration starting from the Gimbal, IMU and Compass just to make sure it's all working good. In addition you may send me the serial number of the said drone through PM for me to be able to check the activation date of the DJI Mavic Mini. Thank you for your valued support.

Cool! Thank you for useful tips DJI Stephen!
I`ll do as you suggested with test. Also I`ll request serial number from seller and will send to you.

I`m very thankful for your great support!
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DJI Stephen

Dmytro Petrov Posted at 3-13 11:41
Cool! Thank you for useful tips DJI Stephen!
I`ll do as you suggested with test. Also I`ll request serial number from seller and will send to you.

You are very much welcome Dmytro and I am glad to assist you. Once you have the serial number of the said drone. Kindly please send me the serial number through PM for me to be able to check and assist you. Again, thank you for your support.
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Flight distance : 886096 ft
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United States

Visual Air Posted at 3-13 04:59
For only a savings of a $100 I would rather by new for peace of mind..

Yep, me too
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1292802 ft
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United States

I recently bought a "used"' mini kit for $300 off eBay. I took a chance and have been satisfied with my purchase. The Mini was obviously previously activated but I could find no evidence that it had any use except for the broken seals on the box. No scratches anywhere and all the box contents were still sealed in themselves. I have flown it about a dozen times and it works just like the new one bought in December. I may have just been lucky.
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

GaryDoug Posted at 3-13 19:08
I recently bought a "used"' mini kit for $300 off eBay. I took a chance and have been satisfied with my purchase. The Mini was obviously previously activated but I could find no evidence that it had any use except for the broken seals on the box. No scratches anywhere and all the box contents were still sealed in themselves. I have flown it about a dozen times and it works just like the new one bought in December. I may have just been lucky.

Thank you so much for sharing your story.
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

Ok, the particalar mavic mini drone is sold! This forum thread can be locked.

While i was asking seller for extra images, video and photo of serial number, someone else decided to buy it without  such detailed tests and checks. Someone ordered it online even without testing.
I hope the new buyer will be happy with product. Anyway, dji offer very nice products.

Anyway, I would not risk order online from someone I don`t know, without proper check. Here in Ukraine there are many scummers online.

So, I`d decided to buy a brand new one mavic mini from the shop. Just a bit later (after all crazy coranovirus mess will stop :-)).

I hope, this tips and information that you share will help to other people who are considered to buy a used drone.

THANK YOU EVERYONE for your valuable tips and information.

Good luck to everyone!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 50642090 ft
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United States

Make sure you get a good warranty with it.
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

Hello, I have a wonderful news to finish up this thread.
Finally i was able to buy DJI Mavic Mini in my country for appropriate price. The brand new one, since some online shops start sale.

One of the major reason why i decided to buy new one, is latest software update for Mavic Mini. Now we can have access to white ballance, manual settings of video, and yes thank you for enabling 5,6 frequancy for Ukraine.

I would love to see some very simple version of active track in the future improvements. Since i know, it is already have such ability to track object then you make circle.
I watched this in some youtube videos already.

Thank you everyone for your tips,

Best regards,
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

Hopefully your new Mini has met a careful owner, welcome in the MM owners family

Actually the mode that tracks moving objects the best (as demonstrated on YT videos) is dronie.
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

m80116 Posted at 5-10 13:19
Hopefully your new Mini has met a careful owner, welcome in the MM owners family

Actually the mode that tracks moving objects the best (as demonstrated on YT videos) is dronie.

Thank you for your kind words.  I `ll try to be careful Mavic owner.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

I am glad you updated us with your story, I dropped some likes on your posts for this reason alone.

If I can share some MM top owners tip: take hold of some Intelligent Flight Battery(es) now because they are finally delivering, after a wait of 1 month (for me) and unavailability for several more.
You'll quickly realize how bad you may want an additional battery after the first run

They're not cheap but if you buy them from the DJI official online store you pay their "fair" price so you can use the credit gained if you've bought the MM there.
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

m80116 Posted at 5-11 04:27
I am glad you updated us with your story, I dropped some likes on your posts for this reason alone.

If I can share some MM top owners tip: take hold of some Intelligent Flight Battery(es) now because they are finally delivering, after a wait of 1 month (for me) and unavailability for several more.

Thank you for your kind words and tips. Yes, I`m planning to get at least 1 extra battery soon. We already have them available at reasonable price here in Ukraine. :-)
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Flight distance : 54183 ft

welcome to Mavic Mini Owner Family  
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft
Offline Posted at 5-11 07:50
welcome to Mavic Mini Owner Family

Thank you so much!
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Dmytro Petrov
Flight distance : 126942 ft

Here is video i refer to -
Starts with munute #4
Very interesting way drone follow person on quadrocycle in circle mode.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

Yeap... I never saw that vid. Bagged: Dronie, Circle mode for Active TRACKING.
There's far too many Mavic Mini how-to and review videos to stay ahead of...
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