Trying to raise awares of how we fell concerning the SDK not being available for the S1 (yet), I made the followng commnet in a Robomaster SDK github issue:
"I know for a fact that the S1, even at the current firmware does include at least a partial SDK implementation (in fact, I can run SDK programs on my S1 although one needs root access to enable the SDK on it). Not making it available on the S1 without the need for a hack would be an even bigger mistake than not making the EP compatible with the S1. So I would strongly suggest you consider enabling the S1 SDK support."
grwhale-zhang, which seem sto be the maintainer of the SDK code I(or at least the documentation for it) replied with:
"Thank you for your advice, we will consider it carefully. For this issue, we suggest that you report it on the, and we will contact you to deal with it.
For more information on how to upgrade S1 to EP, please pay attention to the DJI official website."
The first funny thing is that it seems they expect me to report the rooting method for the S1 to DJI Security. Right.
But the more interesting thing ia the last phrase. It seems to imply that there will be a way to updgrade the S1 to the EP (I would bet it involves replacing the inteligent controller and getting the extra hardware (arm and all). If this is true, I am happy enough with that option as long as it is reasonaby priced.