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Naza M v2 motor problem on channel 4
1729 3 2015-6-15
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United Kingdom

I have recently purchased the Naza M v2 which I have fitted to a 450 quad which I purchased second hand, this had a KK2 board fitted but I coudn't get it to work hence the purchase of the Naza. After installation I was unable to get motor 4 to run whilst using the motor test function for setting up direction. After swapping things around I deduced that the esc for motor 4 was not functioning, I purchased a replacement esc, fitted it and it still would work, after testing again I though maybe the motor was at fault. I then purchased 4 new motors and 4 new esc's, once fitted motor 4 was still not working and swapping things around again it seemed that esc 4 was at fault, I purchased another esc and itstill doesn't work. I have tried swapping motor 3 with motor 4 and that works ok. I can't believe that I have another faulty esc. If I swap the Naza connections from 3 to 4 then 4 works and three doesn't. I have all the positive wires from each esc disconected, is this right or should one still have a red wire connected? as it stands the Naza it getting it's power from the PMU V2 via the cable connected to X3 on the input side. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have now had this quad for some 8 weeks and as of yet it hasn't been outside the house and I am desperate to get flying. Last week we were on holiday and I was hopping to take it with me but alas it had to stay at home.....

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Second Officer

United States

You can leave all the positive wires connected if you are using DJI ESC's. Have you tried that?

If you are using non DJI ESC's then all 4 positive wires should be disconnected.
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United Kingdom

DJI-Dave Posted at 2015-6-16 02:03
You can leave all the positive wires connected if you are using DJI ESC's. Have you tried that?

If  ...

Hi Dave, thanks for the reply, I am using Hobbywing sky walker esc,s, the first ones were Red Brick. All positive,s are disconnected. Yesterday I tested the suspect esc and it works fine. I have just moved all the motor wires around so that 1 is 4 - 2 is 3 etc and the motor 4 works on channel 1 and now motor 1 doesn't work which indicates esc 4 is not working but it is, I do not understand what is going on????  
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Second Officer

United States

Wow, I am sorry, but my head is spinning on this one too.  I am not sure what is going on. I think I would need to have the quad in front of me (hands on) to fix this.
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