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What just happened with my drone
1449 11 2020-4-28
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Flight distance : 853110 ft
Bosnia and Herzegovina

I just had something strange happen.
I was flying in little wind and drone started to dodge or move strangely ( i don't know how to exactly express myself so sorry about my english)
I thought bird attacked the drone so I rushed it back. Whene it came closely I saw it do it by itself, there were no birds. It looks like someone gives it strong slap and it rotates shortly and then returns to it previous possition.

Before you judge me and say that i am bad pilot i just wanna say:
1. I am NOT newbie pilot, I know there was wind and I believe I can judge if it is safe to fly or not (there were lots of wind warnings) but the wind was not that hard (just look at the trees on video below) and I was not that high.
2. If it was the wind is it possible to rotate it like that ? Can wind cause those tilts?

Can someone please read log and say it to me what happened ?

One more thing. I controled drone from metal bridge, BUT I took droone in air 20 meters away from bridge, fly it away from bridge and then I came to the bridge to pilot the drone from the bridge. Not sure if remote being close to metal objects can do this ?

Video: ... gxjTcME3bscpgDsailc

airdata log:
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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It just sounds like you had a sudden movement with your gimbal, it does resemble a good slap it can happen with sudden gust of wind or sudden movements. I would just calibrate IMU and gimbal.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3264131 ft

Yes, deeply tied to wind. The drone lost its attitude. You can't see because the gimbal stabilizes the video pretty good until it can't handle it anymore.

You say you know when it's safe to fly... so why then did you keep flying after so many wind warnings ?
If you'd ask me for my experience if you were doing the same with less than 40% battery I feel your drone could have even been capsized. I've never seen that happening but I know from experience it can reach tilts much worse than this. That happened to while testing and I even questioned whether I should have tested in the first place thinking I could land... I have no idea what happens when it's turned 180° upside down, probably won't recover.

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Flight distance : 853110 ft
Bosnia and Herzegovina

m80116 Posted at 4-28 04:57
Yes, deeply tied to wind. The drone lost its attitude. You can't see because the gimbal stabilizes the video pretty good until it can't handle it anymore.

You say you know when it's safe to fly... so why then did you keep flying after so many wind warnings ?

I did that with full battery, it was not on 40%. When it returned it had 70% left.
I returned emediately when those tilts started to happen. It could be losing altitude but i saw it few times with my eyes and it did not look like it lost altitude. It literally looked like I said - like someone slaps it.
It happened at least 10 times while returning. Could it be something wrong with compass every few seconds
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 5161677 ft

Not sure if remote being close to metal objects can do this ?

I'm not sure if this was the case but metal construction definitely can make interference to RC. Better stay away (the same for power lines).

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Flight distance : 1607103 ft

This has probably to do with a much more gusty condition up on height then you thought ...

The uncommanded AC yaw movement was real, not only the gimbal (light green graph yaw angle & blue graph rudder stick input mode 3) ... AC swung out up to 90 degrees in the wind direction (the light green bar in the sat pic indicate yaw heading but AC follows red route line) in several occasions during your return flight.

(Click on all pictures to make them larger)

Comparing those occasions with the wind indications from Airdata it's easy to see that this happened during the peak wind velocities which reached up to over 10m/s.

Then looking into the log event stream we can see alot of wind related warnings ...

The wind was worse then you thought ... & to that gusty, which the Mini is particular sensitive to due it's low mass & low inertia, a heavier AC had have more inertia & could have withstood those gusts better.

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Flight distance : 853110 ft
Bosnia and Herzegovina

slup Posted at 4-28 09:41
This has probably to do with a much more gusty condition up on height then you thought ...

The uncommanded AC yaw movement was real, not only the gimbal (light green graph yaw angle & blue graph rudder stick input mode 3) ... AC swung out up to 90 degrees in the wind direction (the light green bar in the sat pic indicate yaw heading but AC follows red route line) in several occasions during your return flight.

Thanks for the detailed read of my flight log.  Then wind (gusts) must have been stronger than I have thought.
I am happy that drone is not malfunctioning, also  another lesson learned about the wind, I could bet wind was not that strong... almost lost it
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DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

Hi Luka, please try flying the drone in a different environment, make sure that the firmware has been updated. If the issue persists, I'd suggest that you send the drone in for a diagnosis. You may contact the dealer or the support for further assistance
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Flight distance : 853110 ft
Bosnia and Herzegovina

I flew for 2 days and and everything is ok, no strange behavior at all. Thanks everyone
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Mini User
Flight distance : 416854 ft

have a look at this video at minute 7:46

Mavic Mini will rotate if the wind is strong enough. i know its a leaf blower but i could imagine something similar happend to your drone
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Flight distance : 853110 ft
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Mini User Posted at 4-30 11:13
have a look at this video at minute 7:46

thats it
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 13933189 ft
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Mini User Posted at 4-30 11:13
have a look at this video at minute 7:46

Cool video to see, but as said "blown wind focussed mayby at one blade arm" ; thus spinning.
But overal a great performance if this MM !

No question ofcourse that heavuy gust winds can do bad things to a MM.
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