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No GPS lock when moving sticks on transmitter?
1182 2 2015-6-17
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Flight distance : 9931 ft
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United Kingdom

I took the P3 out today on a quick job. Was trying to pan round a property but when I moved sideways (left) from stationary, it started to drift backwards. I noticed this again a couple more times at different periods but it happened when I pushed the stick forwards, it drifted sideways or backwards!

It was really windy today admittedly, but my question is, does GPS lock cut out when there's input on the sticks? It's almost like Atti mode has been activated and the wind is being allowed to push it.
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United States

The GPS shouldn't cut out but I've noticed that when it's windy sometimes it takes a little extra thrust in yaw or roll to get the shot you want.  I usually try panning in one direction and then go the other way to see which is easier for the Phantom to fly depending on the wind direction.


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Unfortunately, putting my HomePoint's no longer works. If I back the right button quickly and herschalte, unfortunately is not the yellow light duration.
Even without contact Home Point flashing only the yellow light and it is no longer green - so it is no longer GPS. Had to a football stadium
a test flight made - without any problems - a couple of hours after that I wanted to again set Home Point, because I wanted to fly from the other side and it was no longer possible, even took the copter no GPS. When I was at home, the same problem. I screwed the remote control, cables are all ok. I also have the compass recalibrated - unfortunately without success. Does anyone have an idea what can be? Has been anything deleted at the software for any radio radiation from the stadium?

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