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The bleeding edge of technology . . .
1391 5 2015-6-17
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I'm sorry to hear that so many of you seem to be having problems with the latest firmware.  I am not having any problems.  Judging by the polls on this forum, it looks like most others are not having problems either.


Just my two cents . . don't shoot the messanger

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 336480 ft

I suspect that some or many Phantom users are using phones that can't handle the cpu load from the app .... If you are having problems is you phone on the approved phone list ?
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United States

I believe that the only thing DJI did wrong was market this machine the way they did. Don't get me wrong I love mine, and haven't had a problem with it yet. but i do remember as a kid the first plane i flew was a attached to a string. I didn't start with a turbine 6 foot model. I worked my way up and the planes got more technical and powerful, but I also became a better pilot. Some people flying the phantoms have no knowledge what so ever about RC, and that is why there are so many problems. Another big issue, that I see, is that traditional RC flying is restricted to clubs with specific rules and runways. Quad flying is open to your drive way, wind, power lines interference and what not.
If you have no clue what you are doing (some questions here would suggest it) that is fine, but take it in strides... go to a club learn, observe, most pilots love to teach and give advice almost to a fault.
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Flight distance : 1087028 ft
United States

nofearmx@gmail. Posted at 2015-6-18 12:20
I believe that the only thing DJI did wrong was market this machine the way they did. Don't get me w ...

Well said!! One must learn to crawl before they walk, walk before the run and run well before they can sprint.  With the multitasking going on when operating  the Phantom series quads they are a sprinting class machine.

I agree with this thread. All the post to this forum should include all possible data in order to see a pattern to help troubleshoot where and if there is a real issue.

One other thing when your starting a new thread check first to make sure that there is not already a similar post.  That would help tremendously.  I don't think we need multiple threads for voting on if you are or are not going update to the latest firmware an so on.

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Flight distance : 70203 ft

From which poll you are talking? How you know that most ppl dont have problems? The only polls i see are pretty much useless. There is one saying should i update to the latest FW and the majority voted for no.

I just dont get it, you said you must be one lucky guy because you got a "good" phantom and so much others have problems and in the next sentence you say most others do not have problems?
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Flight distance : 1037615 ft
  • >>>

An excellent post. 1. P3A.  2. Android. 3.S/N P76DCD2 2011353.  4.Samsung Tab4 without any apps installed save for DJI Pilot. 5. Updated to 1.2.7 without issues except for DJI Pilot app dropping out then recovering whilst in flight, did not have any effect on flight performance, also did this with previous firmware. Previous firmware also caused gimbal to have skewed horizon, now it's ok. Completed four 15 min. flights on 1.2.7 so far. This is the CE spec in Australia.  Edit...and before the less endowed ask....the serial no. is under the battery bay.... Also have VPS disabled.
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