Second Officer
Flight distance : 343848 ft
United Kingdom
In which country are you planing this operation. If its UK you will need to complete a full risk assessment, which if in a built up area you may require it to be undertaken on a Sunday morning perhaps when least amount of persons are about and least amount of traffic in the streets below. Also you may need more than one person on the ground and certainly will need two-way radios to keep in contact with Observer on the roof who will keep the Pilot informed. Obviously you will I assume have your commercial CAA approval if in the UK. Have you considered a specific flight path, orientation from the roof to ensure the aircraft does not go unnecessarily close to other buildings, so the aircraft whilst in the air is always within a specified segment of airspace; consideration of alternative landing site. Lots to think about and dont forget to notify local ATC for consent especially at high altitude where helicopters could operate, probably best to give ATC specific time frames.
When it takes off that will be the height to which your return home height be set. So if you are 20m up from agl and the aircraft drops to 5m agl, when it enters rth mode it will rise to to 15m to the set height of 20m agl, before heading home.