Second Officer
Flight distance : 239035 ft
Ask if he's in a position to help with warranty repairs and service questions. They will of course say "yes, we stand behind it" but I would delve a bit deeper.
When my second remote bricked DJI were very happy to talk to me and help me troubleshoot the issue, but when it came to the actual replacement they made it 100% clear this happens through the dealer.
You send your items to them and they replace them on your behalf.
I'm not 100% sure how this relates to regular repairs, perhaps someone else can comment.
But it made me very happy that I bought from a local dealer as the process was easy.
What you don't want is some guy sitting in a big garage full of all kinds of different stuff. They won't know what's what and it could take months of frustration to sort out, and to me that has a cash value.
At the moment you are set to save $249 compared to B&H. I'm all for saving every penny I can, and have become very good at evaluating price differences as you are doing here, but my first hand experience is this transaction one way or another is to continue beyond the initial purchase, and having a number to call when something goes wrong is pretty important. |