 Second Officer
Flight distance : 779245 ft
United Kingdom
Hi all,
DJI, I would like to put forward another option for RTH, more specifically low battery RTH. Currently on low battery RTH kicks in and the aircraft will rise to RTH altitude then RTH. If any of you, like myself, fly using active track, this can be a scary time. As an example, if you are flying using active track through an area such as a woods where there are objects overhead. If your battery hits RTH level the mavic will fly up into the trees. When this happens you have to get your controller out of your bag and cancel it before it happens.
My request is: Can we have an option to change RTH on low battery alert. Give us the option to RTH, Hover or Land on low battery. This will greatly reduce the risks of a crash on low battery RTH.
This option would be great on the Mavic Air too, i use my mavic air for autonomous flight and tracking (no controller) and to be able to set it to hover on low battery would take so much stress out of flying this way too.