United States
When I start a flight I start the video recorder and I also start a voice recorder on my phone to capture my commentary during the flight. Ultimately, I wll downoad both files into a real video editor on my computer, but I thought I'd use the built in editor to make a quick draft to send to friends.
Not exactly the most intuitive piece of software I must admit. Finally I have the video clip selected and I want to merge the audio track I recorded. I select LOCAL in the music library and then Import from File Manager, but then I'm given only a few choices of where to get the file from, (Audio, Recent, Downloads, SDcard, and GoogleDrive). No option to select from main device storage???
So I moved the audio file from main storage to the SD card, but it was dimmed out evidently because it had an mp4 extension! So I renamed the file to have an mp3 extension and it became selectable. So I selected it but then I got an error "Importing Failed. Unknown audio format." Really? An audio format like mp3 not recognized?
Looking for any possible way to import an audio file from main memory...