Dear DJI-Team,
im also a hobby photographer for more than 10 years now. The first thing i recognized is that the Auto-White-Balance - Feature in the Camera-Settings is completely useless. The Camera changes the color temperature several times during flight. In the first moment the Picture is warm and in the next moment, when there is more sky in the picture it turns cold and blue. Also if there are shadows and i fly through em, the camera immediately changes the AWB.
I guess for everyone who wants to have useful HD-Recording, which u offer to em with an advertised digital HD-Recording - feature, the AWB Mode is not helpful. It needs to be improved if u want it to be a useful feature.
I´ve seen so much videos, where people show their flights.. but the image looks soooo cold.
U get the best looking image if u adjust it manually an set it to 5.400 - 5.800 k, according to ur taste.
I post u 2 Screenshots from the same flight.. between these Screenshots were just 2,5 sec of flight, just turning around.
AWB flying forward
AWB after turning 180 degrees