United States
I am a high school teacher and have been forced to return to virtual teaching. I purchased the OM4 so students could 'feel' like they we're in the classroom. I would be able to walk around the classroom, utilizing whitebaoards, smartboard, other materials and the OM4 would track me. We teach virtually over the Google Meet platform so the ability to livestream to the meet is incredibly important. I can not find how to make this happen. Could someone at DJI please help? If there is no way to make this happen, I will need to return the device and resort to a static version of teaching remotely. PLEASE HELP!!! Students are struggling learning remotely and I feel this your tracking gimbal can be a game-changer in virtual education...if we could make streaming to Google Meet, or Zoom, or other platforms at reality. AGAIN, PLEASE HELP!!!
Thank you very much. |