Inspire 3 october announcement is undeniable.
4691 21 2020-9-22
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Flight distance : 1495906 ft

4 year old Inspire 2 now being end of line and out of stock for the year 2020, we can expect the inspire 3 release.

The inspire 3 will have mainly aircraft upgrades but not camera as the camera mount will stay the same. Mainly from dji's next gen tech from matrice 300. We will undeniably see similar next gen tech on the inspire 3.

Adsb airsense will be a sure upgrade and necessity.

Double the signal power 15 km range and 5.8/2.4 auto, will allow a more seemless and smooth connection in obstacle or interfered conditions.

More efficient motors and escs allowing efficiency as in the matrice 300 but with smaller 100watt dual batteries at around 5000 to 5700 mah each at a similar voltage with the matrice. Will allow 35-40 minutes of flight time at most.

More powerful processor allowing 6 directional sensing which will be more advanced and intelligent in obstacle avoidance. Pinpoint function via app.

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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

Do you really think they will release before they can get EU classification for it??
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Flight distance : 1495906 ft

DAFlys Posted at 9-23 00:34
Do you really think they will release before they can get EU classification for it??

Eu classification is a software thingy that they pretty much have already done. So no connection with it not being released.
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

fansd845e849 Posted at 9-23 02:51
Eu classification is a software thingy that they pretty much have already done. So no connection with it not being released.

Not really,  the EU classification has to be marked on the drone and without that it will not meet the criteria and the EU also have said that drones cannot be retrospectively classified.
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Flight distance : 1495906 ft

DAFlys Posted at 9-23 03:03
Not really,  the EU classification has to be marked on the drone and without that it will not meet the criteria and the EU also have said that drones cannot be retrospectively classified.
Eu classification can be done, regardless of you or anyone knowing it is. The inspire 2 is about to become a dinosaur and you and I know, it's inevitable. It's already had a long delay waiting from the 2nd gen to the 3rd gen, if it wasn't for the delay it would have been a fossil by now.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 2559222 ft
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I guess we will not see a I3 very soon.
Until there is a way to certify and tag EASA conform not a single professional in Europe will buy a new drone.
EASA/CE certification is not only software. Its rather a aviation like certification. The drone hardware needs to be certified. This includes any used parts as well as things like structural strenght, intended breaking points, payloads etc.
So once a drone is certified only certified payloads can be legally used. As a example: If DJI would EASA certify the I2 with the X7 (which i highly doubt) but not with the X5S you would only be allowed to fly a I2 with the X7 but not with the X5S. If you take it to the extreme you would not even be allowed to use a non certified ND filter as this is a change to the payload.
This is like you are not allowed to modify a aviation aircraft without recertifieing the new parts. You can't mount a GoPro to a helicopter without having the mounting point, mounting hardware etc. to be certified. As this is a change of the certied aircraft.
A new Inspire also should be lighter to stay inside the new regulations. I don't care for less flight time. 10min is all I need.ADS-B? Maybe in the US. For Europe FLARM would make way more sense. I don't care for airplanes up at 10'000 feet. As ADS-B is not required in the lower airspace in Europe it would only create a fals security feeling, like it already does on the M210 and M300.
15km Video range? Never in the EU as CE signal strenght is clearly regulated. But as you will need to fly in line of sight anyway, super stable 500m transition is all you need anyway. So 200-300m stays stable ;)
Obstacle avoidance?  Please kick it completly out of a professional aerial video system. Any professional aerial cinematograph will disable it anyway as its not possible to use for cinematography.
ATTI is all what is need to get smooth, undisturbed and good looking, dynamic footage.

EASA still has some regulation draws for special flights like above 900g in urban zones. So as long as these special flight stories are not really nailed, there is no way for any company to produce a conform drone.
I would also understand if DJI will wait until next year, after the US presidental votings in Nov. If Trump stays in the white house, they will probably not start a mass production until this kidisch US-China biz war is over.
There is also a chance that EASA will push the start of the new rules further out. We already had a push from 1st July to Jan1st.
As there is still a lot of work to do in Brussles and in the countries. So hopefully they will push it back another 6 months.
So if this happens we all will be happy and will use our I2's for many TVC's, TV productions, Crime series etc. The I2 with X7 is still a great workhose far away from a dinosaur.
X7 cuts very well with all Arri and RED cams and it flies well. So there is no need to hurry.

I rather see a fpv drone release in the next few weeks/months. Less, cost, less risk, larger market and they are light from nature so less of a problem with new EASA regulations from the begionning.
Also there are  already two Ronin S2 releases in October

But hey, just my 2 cents.

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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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Undeniably one of the most spectacular display of typical speculations and plain rubbish, unsupported by any official announcement, reliable document or links. It's nothing more than a wish list, apparently typed under the influence of a good joint. Sadly with misleading title ...
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Flight distance : 1495906 ft

Matthew Dobrski Posted at 9-23 23:13
Undeniably one of the most spectacular display of typical speculations and plain rubbish, unsupported by any official announcement, reliable document or links. It's nothing more than a wish list, apparently typed under the influence of a good joint. Sadly with misleading title ...
The inspire 2 was once a speculation too and it only took 2 years for it to then become an announcement
You didn't know it was coming out either hehe.

Let's face it, they're slapping on the latest dji tech on the 3rd gen inspire, as they have for the 3rd gen matrice.
Inspire 2's aircraft is outdated in transmission and battery flight time, mavic 2 air is even much better haha. Also airsense adsb is a must for medium sized drones as done with the 3rd gen matrice 300.

The inspire 2 will still be fine for photography and videography don't worry, camera mount stays the same.
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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fansd845e849 Posted at 9-23 23:17
The inspire 2 was once a speculation too and it only took 2 years for it to then become an announcement
You didn't know it was coming out either hehe.

I'm not worrying about anything but the purpose of your post with misleading title. Please edit the title and I will rest my case ...
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Flight distance : 312090263 ft
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United Kingdom

fansd845e849 Posted at 9-23 02:51
Eu classification is a software thingy that they pretty much have already done. So no connection with it not being released.

Sadly not,  it has to be physically marked and cannot be done retrospectively.
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DJI Paladin
Flight distance : 318 ft


Hi. Thank you for creating this post and sharing your insights regarding this matter. As of the moment, we don't have any information regarding the future models and features that DJI will release. Please visit our official DJI website ( for the latest news and updates. Thank you.
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Flight distance : 1495906 ft

Matthew Dobrski Posted at 9-23 23:35
I'm not worrying about anything but the purpose of your post with misleading title. Please edit the title and I will rest my case ...
If you wanna make yourself feel good by thinking it's not coming out, no one's stopping you. But you can't stop the inspire 3 either I can understand self gratification
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 5110079 ft
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United States

Any idea on when they may announce? Have not heard anything so far (that I ma aware off).
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Matthew Dobrski
First Officer
Flight distance : 1831050 ft
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snath Posted at 10-23 17:20
Any idea on when they may announce? Have not heard anything so far (that I ma aware off).

Most likely never ...
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Helios Drones
Flight distance : 139075 ft

October you say............
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Flight distance : 346883 ft
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United States

Helios Drones Posted at 2020-12-28 07:12
October you say............

2020 you say?

Undeniable you say?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4112812 ft

zenmuse x9 on a (new?) body it seems

I reckon we must be getting close if theres a new zenmuse camera coming out.

Surely? its badly needed now
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Flight distance : 1721444 ft
United States

i just bought an inspire 2, but would still immediately buy an inspire 3 if it came out!
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Flight distance : 1721444 ft
United States

hopefully it will have sided obstacle avoidance, it makes me nervous flying backwards with the I2
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Chris C Dye
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United States

Almost 2022 and no I3…
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4112812 ft

Theyve spent a lot of energy talking up the mavic pro 3 cine as their premium drone going forward as well so I guess we;ll have to see?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 333799 ft
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Mike9129 Posted at 11-11 11:54
Theyve spent a lot of energy talking up the mavic pro 3 cine as their premium drone going forward as well so I guess we;ll have to see?

mavic 3 is not premium at all. the lens has pretty bad soft edges...
I would love to see this x9 on a larger quad.. esspecially seeing as it can take Sony lenses.. the cost of the DJI DL lenses were way too high.. I am happy DJI are adopting other branded lenses again.. Awesome news
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