there are 3 videos, that should be tutorials. But there is nothing that helps me.
Only advertising and ''bla bla''.
Does anybody knows where I canfind information on that topics ?
I'm mostly interested in the ''Goalkeeper-RoboMaster EP Core AI Application Tutorial''.
I asked the same DJI support, but received no answer.
Not sure I understand what you want. The Goalkeeper example comes form this SDK ( It is one of the SDK examples.
Thank you for the answer.....
You are right, on that page there are examples.
Maybe I'm blind, but I cannot find that link in the tutorial / video site. (here in Germany)
On the German Video site there are 3 videos - showing possibilities (I call it advertisement) but nothing about how to make it.
In the documentation for teachers there is only a remark '' coming soon'' - nothing more.
Were comes that link from ?
Is there maybe more help on the English sites ?
It is in chinese (the english version seems pretty incomplete), but you can use Google translate on it to get a reasonable enough translation.
THe SDK I pointed you to is not an official one, so you will not see it mentioned in official documentation. There are other SDK implementations to (this one I wrote is in Go:, and it also has an object tracking demo:
So - I visited that site and used the translator and I'm shocked !!!
For me it is impudence what DJI does with non Chinese speeking users.
The documentation - here in Germany - is nothing compared with the original.
In the last days I asked some questions to the support because of a complete documentation ---- no answer!
Why they are selling these robots outside China?
The RM should be for education, teaching and so on - but DJI does nothing to help the teachers to understand and learn.
For me it seems that the support here in Germany has absolutely no know-how on the RM and its possibillities - they are sending the requests to China.
And from there I received very short and unclompete answers.
I do not understand why the support did not send me the links.