Dear DJI Forum,
I use my DJI Osmo mobile 3 for quite some time now with my iPhone 11. What bothers me however is that everytime I turn my gimbal on I need to press M twice in order to swtich to landscpae mode. I never use the portrait mode and during vlogging every second matters. I get the desired behaviour when I put my Gimbal into sleep mode and after waking it up it is in landscape mode again. However when the gimbal is sleeping too long it turns off or sometimes I turn it off myself because I am not able to vlog anyore. When I turn it on again I need to do the exta steps of putting it into the landscape mode. This is bothering me a lot and taking too miuch time in total (20 - 30 Times a day) during a vlog day.
Additionally I want to ask whether the Gimbal can trigger my iPhone diretly to record video once I turn the gimbal on? Right now I have to press twice the M button to put it into landscape mode, then press the record button to record. It would be nice if the gimbal would be automatically in landscape mode and already recording after turning the gimbal on. I would be happy for a solution, because right now there are toomany processes to record directly in landscape mode... Sadly OM4 has the same limitations. Thank you very much!
[Update 2020-10]: The DJI Support in Germany told me, that this is not possible currently neither with DJI OM3 or 4. They said that they will head this over to te R&D department. The way new functions are introduces is also, by how many people request it.