Flight distance : 47455053 ft
On believe me DJI reads these stress crack threads. But for this issue in particular you will never read one single word from them. After all, the typical "are you on the latest firmware" question does not apply. It's a clear design flaw issue with carries down every generation like genes from an alcoholic grandfather. The retaining clips on the new shell are a clear example of their awareness of the issue but it now somehow transfers all the loads to the two screw holes between the lights and the motor screws. In my case I've got 24 flights in before I noticed. But they probably were there even earlier had I known what to look for. A couple of my my cracks only became visible when I lightly put a little twisting force on the motors. About as much force as one would apply when installing or removing the propellers. Do this on yours and you might see a crack that you didn't know was there. On the P2 it was different. Those were easier to see as they propagated from usually on of the motor screw holes out to the seam between top and bottom. Sometimes all the way to the seam, sometimes not. Or on the tiny Phillips hole towards, again, the seam. On the P3mwhat is more prevalent is a circular crack just below the surface of one of those two screw holes between the lights and motor screws. If you look, you find so be ready for disappointment. On all my P2 craft that cracked, four, there was usually one arm cracked. On my P3, four of the eight screw holes had cracks. I am convinced this isn't a manufacturing defect but more of a design defect (too thin of plastic in the area) which lends itself to a very small screw tightening tolerances. But then again, when one factors in the far superior torque of the new motors, it's not so much the overtightened screws that will bring up the ghosts. The motors themselves will transfer all their loads to those two screws in a twisting motion on the arms. Add in active braking and a little wind turbulence nto the mix and, bam, you have cracks. As it stands, with the power of P3 motors, thickness or lack thereof in that area of the fuselage, two screws handling that load, necessity nfor an entire board change for any P3 system fault short of burned out motors, the only solution I see is to glue the top of the shell to the bottom along the seam in order to provide strength in that area. I accept an extra 80-100 buck new shell cost to any board/motor replacement in order to gain that extra strength piece of mind on a flying device since a glued shell would be destroyed when opening. And since any work to rectify this issue by DJI would include a new shell anyway, it is the only solution I see unless DJI would get off it's ass and finally fix this three generation old issue which has nothing to do with software or electronics. Believe me, you will not hear one peep or read one word on these threads from DJI because they KNOW the issue is there and there is no fix short of glue or shell change with no guarantee of the new shell not cracking. They might say "what flying do you do" but there might be an answer like "the type of flying shown in your marketing videos" which is different from the 50 meters away, tree filmimg, tree colliding, gimbal destroying folks that DJI is far better prepared to deal with. |