Michael Starley
Flight distance : 2812 ft
United States
You know busclas you are right . I will get with this post .
I have nothing but good to say about the functionality of my bird . It has provided me with an avenue of income that I did not have after changing careers .
Came into my life at a great time and has performed trustworthy , dependable service in some harry situations .
The companies choice of the GoPro camera to me was by far one of the best decisions DJI has ever made in my eyes . The quality of video is only one reason that I say this .
I believe to this date that the P2 Zenmuse GoPro series has the best track record as far as dependability , functionality , quality video , and all around got my moneys worth joy factor . I am positive that the lack of sophisticated electronics(Compared To The P2 Vision+ and Soon To Be p3) is directly the cause of this birds reputation .
Comparison-Picture 2 3/4 ton trucks.
One with rubber floor mats , power steering , roll up windows , power brakes , and a bench seat .
The other truck is loaded . I mean loaded with all of the latest gadgets . Steering wheel heater , Coffee maker , hair dryer..etc.
Both trucks handle the same load and can in theory make the same amount of money over time .
One excels in finance over the other . How is this possible you ask . Simple
One truck stays in the shop . The other one stays on the job .
Bells and Buttwarmers takes money out of your pocket .
Plain Jane model puts money in your pocket . Now there is your old school droneflyers.com .
My plain Jane will always have a place in my heart . Good to hear that your bird is held in the same high regard . Thanx for the thread busclas .
It is about time to hear some good . Shout out to all pilots.
Start posting more good stories . Serious .Tap those keys and hit enter . Any and all Good stories . Especially funny ones .