BeeS View
Hey, yesterday I had a chance to test the new FW release for the RS2. I can't see an improvement regarding the SBUS control. Working as before is PAN, TILT, ROLL, START RECORDING, CHANGE MODE (only between Mode 1 and 2) and RECENTER. Keep in mind for Camera Start/Stop and re-center you need a spring loaded 2 position switch or button on you remote. If you just flip a 2 position switch it is sometime tricky to start/stop recording you need to have the right timing. For re-center you need to short flip twice like you do on the Ronin button.
New with this FW is that only the PAN, TILT, ROLL channels will show you an input on the Ronin App now. Mode, re-center and capture will show no numbers even when working and configured right.
DJI-Support, please add back the number input view on the stick monitor in the app for all channels and please give us a channel pinout for the functions that have been activated. By now i can see only channels 1,2,4,5,6,7 working on SBUS. Channels 3 and 8 to 24 does not move or change anything by now.